Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 177<br />

The following lemma, due to Dinh-Sibony [DS4, DS10], implies the above<br />

proposition and can be applied in a more general setting. Here, we apply it to<br />

Λ := f m with m large enough and to the above smooth function v. We choose<br />

α := 1, A := �Df m �∞ and d is replaced with d m .<br />

Lemma 1.19. Let K be a metric space with finite diameter and Λ : K → Kbea<br />

Lipschitz map: �Λ(a) − Λ(b)� ≤A�a − b� with A > 0. Here,�a − b� denotes the<br />

distance between two points a, b in K. Let v be an α-Hölder continuous function on<br />

K with 0 < α ≤ 1. Then, ∑n≥0 d −n v ◦Λ n converges pointwise to a function which is<br />

β -Hölder continuous on K for every β such that 0 < β < α and β ≤ logd/logA.<br />

Proof. By hypothesis, there is a constant A ′ >0suchthat|v(a) − v(b)|≤A ′ �a − b�α .<br />

Define A ′′ := �v�∞. SinceKhas finite diameter, A ′′ is finite and we only have to<br />

consider the case where �a − b�≪1. If N is an integer, we have<br />

�<br />

�<br />

�<br />

�<br />

� ∑ d<br />

n≥0<br />

−n v ◦ Λ n (a) − ∑ d<br />

n≥0<br />

−n v ◦ Λ n �<br />

�<br />

�<br />

(b) �<br />

�<br />

≤ ∑ d<br />

0≤n≤N<br />

−n |v ◦ Λ n (a) − v ◦ Λ n (b)| + ∑ d<br />

n>N<br />

−n |v ◦ Λ n (a) − v ◦ Λ n (b)|<br />

≤ A ′ ∑ d<br />

0≤n≤N<br />

−n �Λ n (a) − Λ n (b)� α + 2A ′′ ∑ d<br />

n>N<br />

−n<br />

� �a − b� α ∑<br />

0≤n≤N<br />

d −n A nα + d −N .<br />

If A α ≤ d, the last sum is of order at most equal to N�a − b� α + d −N .Foragiven<br />

0 < β < α, choose N �−β log�a−b�/logd. So, the last expression is � �a−b� β .<br />

In this case, the function is β -Hölder continuous for every 0 < β < α. When<br />

A α > d, thesumis� d −N A Nα �a − b� α + d −N .ForN �−log�a − b�/logA, the<br />

last expression is � �a − b� β with β := logd/logA. Therefore, the function is<br />

β -Hölder continuous. ⊓⊔<br />

Remark 1.20. Lemma 1.19 still holds for K with infinite diameter if v is Hölder<br />

continuous and bounded. We can also replace the distance on K with any positive<br />

symmetric function on K × K which vanishes on the diagonal. Consider a<br />

family ( fs) of endomorphisms of P k depending holomorphically on s in a space<br />

of parameters Σ. In the above construction of the Green current, we can locally<br />

on Σ, choose vs(z) smooth such that dd c s,zvs(z) ≥−ωFS(z). Lemma 1.19 implies<br />

that the Green function gs(z) of fs is locally Hölder continuous on (s,z) in Σ × P k .<br />

Then, ωFS(z)+dd c s,z gs(z) is a positive closed (1,1)-current on Σ × P k . Its slices by<br />

{s}×P k are the Green currents Ts of fs.<br />

We want to use the properties of the Green currents in order to establish some<br />

properties of the Fatou and Julia sets. We will show that the Julia set coincides<br />

with the Julia set of order 1. We recall the notion of Kobayashi hyperbolicity on<br />

a complex manifold M. Letp be a point in M and ξ a tangent vector of M at<br />

p. Consider the holomorphic maps τ : Δ → M on the unit disc Δ in C such that

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