Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 167<br />

The theory in higher dimension is developed using mostly pluripotential theory,<br />

i.e. the theory of plurisubharmonic (p.s.h. for short) functions and positive closed<br />

currents. The Montel’s compactness property is replaced with the compactness<br />

properties of p.s.h. or quasi-p.s.h. functions. Another crucial tool is the use of good<br />

estimates for the dd c -equation in various settings. One of the main ideas is: in order<br />

to study the statistical behavior of orbits of a holomorphic map, we consider its action<br />

on some appropriate functional spaces. We then decompose the action into the<br />

“harmonic” part and the “non-harmonic” one. This is done solving a dd c -equation<br />

with estimates. The non-harmonic part of the dynamical action may be controled<br />

thanks to good estimates for the solutions of a dd c -equation. The harmonic part can<br />

be treated using either Harnack’s inequality in the local setting or the linear action of<br />

maps on cohomology groups in the case of dynamics on compact Kähler manifolds.<br />

This approach has permitted to give a satisfactory theory of the ergodic properties<br />

of holomorphic and meromorphic dynamical systems: construction of the measure<br />

of maximal entropy, decay of correlations, central limit theorem, large deviations<br />

theorem, etc. with respect to that measure.<br />

In order to use the pluripotential methods, we are led to develop the calculus<br />

on positive closed currents. Readers not familiar with these theories may start with<br />

the appendix at the end of these notes where we have gathered some notions and<br />

results on currents and pluripotential theory. A large part in the appendix is classical<br />

but there are also some recent results, mostly on new spaces of currents and on the<br />

notion of super-potential associated to positive closed currents in higher bidegree.<br />

Since we only deal here with projective spaces and open sets in C k , this is easier<br />

and the background is limited.<br />

The main problem in the dynamical study of a map is to understand the behavior<br />

of the orbits of points under the action of the map. Simple examples show that in<br />

general there is a set (Julia set) where the dynamics is unstable: the orbits may diverge<br />

exponentially. Moreover, the geometry of the Julia set is in general very wild.<br />

In order to study complex dynamical systems, we follow the classical concepts. We<br />

introduce and establish basic properties of some invariants associated to the system,<br />

like the topological entropy and the dynamical degrees which are the analogues<br />

of volume growth indicators in the real dynamical setting. These invariants give a<br />

rough classification of the system. The remarkable fact in complex dynamics is that<br />

they can be computed or estimated in many non-trivial situations.<br />

A central question in dynamics is to construct interesting invariant measures,<br />

in particular, measures with positive entropy. Metric entropy is an indicator of the<br />

complexity of the system with respect to an invariant measure. We focus our study<br />

on the measure of maximal entropy. Its support is in some sense the most chaotic<br />

part of the system. For the maps we consider here, measures of maximal entropy<br />

are constructed using pluripotential methods. For endomorphisms in P k , they can<br />

be obtained as self-intersections of some invariant positive closed (1,1)-currents<br />

(Green currents). We give estimates on the Hausdorff dimension and on Lyapounov<br />

exponents of these measures. The results give the behavior on the most chaotic part.<br />

Lyapounov exponents are shown to be strictly positive. This means in some sense<br />

that the system is expansive in all directions, despite of the existence of a critical set.

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