Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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130 Marco Brunella<br />

In fact, there is a common framework for the Stein case and the compact Kähler<br />

case: the framework of holomorphically convex (not necessarily compact) Kähler<br />

manifolds. Indeed, the only form of compactness that we need, in this Section and<br />

also in the next one, is the following: for every compact K ⊂ X, there exists a (larger)<br />

compact ˆK ⊂ X such that every holomorphic disc in X with boundary in K is fully<br />

contained in ˆK. This property is obviously satisfied by any holomorphically convex<br />

Kähler manifold, with ˆK equal to the usual holomorphically convex hull of K.<br />

A more global point of view on holonomy tubes and covering tubes will be<br />

developed in the last Section, on parabolic foliations.<br />

4.4 Rational Quasi-Fibrations<br />

We conclude this Section with a result which can be considered as an analog, in our<br />

context, of the classical Reeb Stability Theorem for real codimension one foliations<br />

[CLN].<br />

Proposition 4.10. Let X be a compact connected Kähler manifold and let F be a<br />

foliation by curves on X. Suppose that there exists a rational leaf Lp (i.e., �Lp = P).<br />

Then all the leaves are rational. Moreover, there exists a compact connected Kähler<br />

manifold Y , dimY = dimX − 1, a meromorphic map B : X ��� Y, and Zariski open<br />

and dense subsets X0 ⊂ X,Y0 ⊂ Y, such that:<br />

(i) B is holomorphic on X0 and B(X0)=Y0;<br />

(ii) B : X0 → Y0 is a proper submersive map, all of whose fibers are smooth rational<br />

curves, leaves of F .<br />

Proof. It is sufficient to verify that all the leaves are rational; then the second part<br />

follows by standard arguments of complex analytic geometry, see e.g. [CaP].<br />

By connectivity, it is sufficient to prove that, given a covering tube UT ,ifsome<br />

fiber is rational then all the fibers are rational. We can work, equivalently, with the<br />

holonomy tube VT . Now, such a property was actually already verified in the proof<br />

of Proposition 4.6, in the form of “nonexistence of vanishing cycles”. Indeed, the set<br />

of rational fibers of VT is obviously open. To see that it is also closed, take a fiber �Lt<br />

approximated by fibers �Ltn � P. Take an embedded cycle Γ ⊂ �Lt, approximated by<br />

cycles Γn ⊂ �Ltn . Each Γn bounds in �Ltn two discs, one on each side. As in the proof<br />

of Proposition 4.6, we obtain that Γ also bounds in �Lt two discs, one on each side.<br />

Hence �Lt is rational. ⊓⊔<br />

Such a foliation will be called rational quasi-fibration. A meromorphic map B<br />

as in Proposition 4.10 is sometimes called almost holomorphic, because the image<br />

of its indeterminacy set is a proper subset of Y , of positive codimension, contained<br />

in Y \ Y0. IfdimX = 2thenB is necessarily holomorphic, and the foliation is a<br />

rational fibration (with possibly some singular fibers). In higher dimensions one

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