Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 289<br />

Exercise A.55. Let μ be a non-zero positive measure which is WPC. Define<br />

�u� ∗ μ := |〈μ,u〉| + min�Θ�1/2<br />

with Θ as above. Show that �·� ∗ μ defines a norm which is equivalent to �·�W ∗.<br />

Exercise A.56. Show that the capacity of R is positive if and only if R is PB.<br />

Exercise A.57. Let S be a positive closed (p, p)-current of mass 1 with positive<br />

Lelong number at a point a.LetH be a hyperplane containing a such that S and [H]<br />

are wedgeable. Show that the Lelong number of S ∧ [H] at a isthesameifweconsider<br />

it as a current on P k or on H. IfR is a positive closed current of bidimension<br />

(p − 1, p − 1) on H, show that US(R) ≤ U S∧[H](R)+c where c > 0 is a constant independent<br />

of S,R and H. Deduce that PB currents have no positive Lelong numbers.<br />

Exercise A.58. Let K be a compact subset in C k ⊂ P k . Let S1,...,Sp be<br />

positive closed (1,1)-currents on P k . Assume that their quasi-potentials are bounded<br />

on P k \ K. Show that S1,...,Sp are wedgeable. Show that the wedge-product<br />

S1 ∧ ...∧ Sp is continuous for Hartogs’ convergence.<br />

Exercise A.59. Let S and S ′ be positive closed (p, p)-currents on P k such that<br />

S ′ ≤ S. Assume that S isPB(resp.PC).ShowthatS ′ is PB (resp. PC).<br />

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