Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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240 Tien-Cuong Dinh and Nessim Sibony<br />

Proof. The first assertion is clear, using the characterization of polynomial-maps<br />

by their graphs. We prove the second one. Fix a constant δ with d ∗ p < δ < dt and<br />

an open set W such that U ⋐ W ⋐ V. Fix an integer N large enough such that<br />

�( f N )∗(S)�W ≤ δ N for any positive closed (k − p,k − p)-current S of mass 1 on U.<br />

If g is close enough to f ,wehaveg −N (U) ⋐ f −N (W ) and<br />

with ε > 0 a small constant. We have<br />

�(g N �<br />

)∗(S)�U =<br />

≤<br />

�(g N ) ∗ (ω p ) − ( f N ) ∗ (ω p )� L ∞ (g −N (U)) ≤ ε<br />

g−N S ∧ (g<br />

(U)<br />

N ) ∗ (ω p )<br />

�<br />

f −N S ∧ ( f<br />

(W )<br />

N ) ∗ (ω p �<br />

)+<br />

g−N (U)<br />

≤�( f N )∗(S)�W + ε ≤ δ N + ε < d N t .<br />

S ∧ � (g N ) ∗ (ω p ) − ( f N ) ∗ (ω p ) �<br />

Therefore, the dynamical ∗-degree d ∗ p(g N ) of g N is strictly smaller than d N t . Lemma<br />

2.6 implies that d ∗ p(g) < dt. ⊓⊔<br />

Remark 2.8. The proof gives that g ↦→ d ∗ p(g) is upper semi-continuous on g.<br />

Consider a simple example. Let f : C 2 → C 2 be the polynomial map f (z1,z2)=<br />

(2z1,z 2 2 ). The restriction of f to V := {|z1| < 2,|z2| < 2} is polynomial-like and<br />

using the current S =[z1 = 0], it is not difficult to check that d1 = d∗ 1 = dt = 2. The<br />

example shows that in general one may have d∗ k−1 = dt.<br />

Exercise 2.9. Let f : C 2 → C 2 be the polynomial map defined by f (z1,z2) :=<br />

(3z2,z 2 1 + z2). Show that the hyperplane at infinity is attracting. Compute the topological<br />

degree of f . Compute the topological degree of the map in Example 2.1.<br />

Exercise 2.10. Let f be a polynomial map on C k of algebraic degree d ≥ 2, which<br />

extends to a holomorphic endomorphism of P k .LetV be a ball large enough centered<br />

at 0 and U := f −1 (V). Prove that the polynomial-like map f : U → V satisfies<br />

d ∗ p = d p and dt = d k . Hint: use the Green function and Green currents.<br />

2.2 Construction of the Green Measure<br />

In this paragraph, we introduce the first version of the dd c -method. It allows to construct<br />

for a polynomial-like map f a canonical measure which is totally invariant. As<br />

we have seen in the case of endomorphisms of P k , the method gives good estimates<br />

and allows to obtain precise stochastic properties. Here, we will see that it applies<br />

under a very weak hypothesis. The construction of the measure does not require any<br />

hypothesis on the dynamical degrees and give useful convergence results.<br />

Consider a polynomial-like map f : U → V of topological degree dt > 1as<br />

above. Define the Perron-Frobenius operator Λ acting on test functions ϕ by<br />

Λ(ϕ)(z) := d −1<br />

t f∗(ϕ)(z) := d −1<br />

t ∑<br />

w∈ f −1 (z)<br />


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