Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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300 Dierk Schleicher<br />

of f are discrete and thus f is constant. If c �∈ {0,1}, then differentiation yields<br />

( f ′ ◦ f ) f ′ −1 = cf ′ − c or f ′ ( f ′ ◦ f − c)=1 − c.Sincec �= 1, it follows that f ′ omits<br />

the value 0 and f ′ ◦ f omits the value c �= 0, so f ′ can assume the value c only at<br />

the omitted values of f . By Picard’s Theorem A.4, it follows that f ′ is constant and<br />

thus f is a polynomial of degree at most 1.<br />

In our case, f is not a polynomial of degree 0 or 1 by hypothesis, so g is a<br />

non-constant meromorphic function. Suppose p ∈ C is such that g(p) ∈{0,1,∞}.<br />

If g(p)=∞, thenf (p) =p; ifg(p)=0, then f ( f (p)) = p; andifg(p)=1, then<br />

f ( f (p)) = f (p).<br />

If g is transcendental, then by Picard’s theorem there are infinitely many p ∈ C<br />

with g(p) ∈{0,1,∞}. Ifg is a non-constant rational map (which in fact never<br />

happens), then there are p0, p1, p∞ ∈ C with g(pi) =i, and at least two of them<br />

are in C. ⊓⊔<br />

As an example, the map f (z) =ez + z has no fixed points; in this case g(z) =<br />

eez + 1hasnop∈Cwith g(p) ∈{1,∞}, but of course infinitely many p with<br />

g(p)=0 (corresponding to periodic points of period 2).<br />

Proof of Theorem 1.4. Let f be an entire function other than a polynomial of degree<br />

0or1.ByLemma1.5, f has (at least) two periodic points of period 1 or 2; replacing<br />

f by f ◦ f if necessary, we may suppose that f has two fixed points, say at p, p ′ ∈ C<br />

(note that J( f )=J( f ◦ f )). If | f ′ (p)| > 1, then p ∈ J( f ). In order to show that<br />

J( f ) �= /0, we may assume that p ∈ F( f ) and in particular that | f ′ (p)|≤1. Let W be<br />

the Fatou component containing p.<br />

If | f ′ (p)| = 1, then any limit function of the family of iterates { f ◦n |W } is nonconstant.<br />

So let f ◦n j be a subsequence that converges to a non-constant limit function;<br />

then f ◦(n j+1−n j) converges to the identity on W, and this implies that f |W is<br />

injective. If W = C, then this is a contradiction to the choice of f , hence F( f ) �= C.<br />

Thefinalcasewehavetoconsideris| f ′ (p)| < 1; for convenience, we may suppose<br />

that p = 0. If F( f )=C, then f ◦n → 0 uniformly on compacts in C. We will<br />

show that f is a polynomial of degree at most 1. Let D be an open disk centered at p<br />

such that f (D) ⊂ D. ForN ∈ N, letDn := f ◦(−n) (D); sinceD is simply connected,<br />

it follows that also Dn is simply connected. Let rn be maximal so that the round cir-<br />

cle ∂Drn (0) ⊂ Dn;thisimpliesthatDrn ⊂ Dn. WehaveDn ⊂ Dn+1 and �<br />

n Dn = C,<br />

hence rn+1 ≥ rn and rn → ∞.<br />

As usual, for r > 0, define M(r; f ) := max{| f (z)|: |z| = r}. For each n ∈ N,<br />

define maps hn : D → C via hn(z) =M(rn/2; f ) −1 f (rnz). Allhn satisfy hn(0)=0<br />

and M(1/2;hn)=1. Let<br />

cn := sup{r > 0: ∂Dr(0) ⊂ hn(D)}.<br />

If some cn satisfies cn < 1, then there are points an,bn ∈ C with |an| = 1, |bn| = 2so<br />

that hn(D) ∩{an,bn} = /0. If this happens for infinitely many n, then we can extract<br />

a subsequence with cn < 1, and it follows easily from Montel’s theorem that the hn<br />

form a normal family. After extracting another subsequence, we may suppose that<br />

the hn converge to a holomorphic limit function h: D → C that inherits from the hn<br />

the properties that h(0)=0andM(1/2;h)=1. Thus h is non-constant and there is

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