Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 185<br />

Recall that if ν is a positive measure on P k , the pull-back f ∗ (ν) is defined by<br />

the formula 〈 f ∗ (ν),ϕ〉 = 〈ν, f∗(ϕ)〉 for ϕ continuous on P k . Observe that since<br />

f is a ramified covering, f∗(ϕ) is continuous when ϕ is continuous, see Exercise<br />

A.11 in Appendix. So, the above definition makes sense. For ϕ = 1, we obtain that<br />

� f ∗ (ν)� = d k �ν�, since the covering is of degree d k .Ifν is the Dirac mass at a<br />

point a, f ∗ (ν) is the sum of Dirac masses at the points in f −1 (a).<br />

Recall that a measure ν is PB if quasi-p.s.h. are ν-integrable and ν is PC if it<br />

is PB and acts continuously on DSH(P k ) with respect to the weak topology on this<br />

space, see Appendix A.4. We deduce from Proposition 1.34 the following result<br />

where the norm �·�μ on DSH(P k ) is defined by<br />

�ϕ�μ := |〈μ,ϕ〉| + inf�S ± �,<br />

with S ± positive closed such that dd c ϕ = S + − S − . We will see that μ is PB, hence<br />

this norm is equivalent to �·�DSH, see Proposition A.43.<br />

Theorem 1.35. Let f be as above. If ν is a PB probability measure, then<br />

d −kn ( f n ) ∗ (ν) converge to a PC probability measure μ which is independent of<br />

ν and totally invariant under f . Moreover, if ϕ is a d.s.h. function and cϕ := 〈μ,ϕ〉,<br />

then<br />

�Λ n (ϕ) − cϕ�μ ≤ d −n �ϕ�μ and �Λ n (ϕ) − cϕ�DSH ≤ Ad −n �ϕ�DSH,<br />

where A > 0 is a constant independent of ϕ and n. In particular, there is a constant<br />

c > 0 depending on ν such that<br />

|〈d −kn ( f n ) ∗ (ν) − μ,ϕ〉| ≤ cd −n �ϕ�DSH.<br />

Proof. Since ν is PB, d.s.h. functions are ν integrable. It follows that there is a<br />

constant c > 0suchthat|〈ν,ϕ〉| ≤ c�ϕ�DSH. Otherwise, there are d.s.h. functions<br />

ϕn with �ϕn�DSH ≤ 1and〈ν,ϕn〉 ≥2 n , hence the d.s.h. function ∑2 −n ϕn is not<br />

ν-integrable.<br />

It follows from Proposition 1.34 that f ∗ (ν) is PB. So, d −kn ( f n ) ∗ (ν) is PB for<br />

every n.Defineforϕ d.s.h.,<br />

and inductively<br />

c0 := 〈ω k FS,ϕ〉 and ϕ0 := ϕ − c0<br />

cn+1 := 〈ω k FS ,Λ(ϕn)〉 and ϕn+1 := Λ(ϕn) − cn+1 = � Λ(ϕn).<br />

A straighforward computation gives<br />

Therefore,<br />

Λ n (ϕ)=c0 + ···+ cn + ϕn.<br />

〈d −kn ( f n ) ∗ (ν),ϕ〉 = 〈ν,Λ n (ϕ)〉 = c0 + ···+ cn + 〈ν,ϕn〉.

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