Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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262 Tien-Cuong Dinh and Nessim Sibony<br />

obtained directly using the Green measures of fs. This was done by Bassanelli-<br />

Berteloot in [BB]. They studied some properties of the bifurcation currents and<br />

obtained nice formulas for that currents in terms of the Green functions. We<br />

also refer to DeMarco, Dujardin-Favre, McMullen, Milnor, Sibony and Silverman<br />

[DM, DM1, DF, MM, MI1, SI, SJ] for results in dimension one.<br />

Exercise 2.51. If f is an endomorphism in Hd(P k ), denote by Lk( f ) the sum of the<br />

Lyapounov exponents of the equilibrium measure. Show that f ↦→ Lk( f ) is locally<br />

Hölder continuous on Hd(P k ). Deduce that the bifurcation currents are moderate.<br />

Hint: use that the lift of f to C k+1 has always a Lyapounov exponent equal to logd.<br />

Exercise 2.52. Find a family ( fs)s∈Σ such that Js does not vary continuously.<br />

Exercise 2.53. A family (Xs)s∈Σ of compact subsets in V is lower semi-continuous<br />

at s0 if for every ε > 0, Xs0 is contained in the ε-neighbourhood of Xs when s is close<br />

enough to s0. If(νs)s∈Σ is a continuous family of probability measures on V, show<br />

that s ↦→ supp(νs) is lower semi-continuous. If ( fs)s∈Σ is a holomorphic family of<br />

polynomial-like maps, deduce that s ↦→ Js is lower semi-continuous. Show that if<br />

Js0 = Ks0 ,thens ↦→ Js is continuous at s0 for the Hausdorff metric.<br />

Exercise 2.54. Assume that fs0 is of large topological degree. Let δ > 0 be a constant<br />

small enough. Using the continuity of s ↦→ μs, show that if ps0 is a repelling<br />

fixed point in Js0 for fs0 , there are repelling fixed points ps in Js for fs, with<br />

|s − s0| < δ, such that s ↦→ ps is holomorphic. Suppose s ↦→ Js is continuous with<br />

respect to the Hausdorff metric. Construct a positive closed current R supported<br />

on ∪ |s−s0|

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