Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 199<br />

then with image contained in one of the B j. In the same way, we show that for<br />

n large enough, each B j admits (1 − 2ε2 )μ(B)d k(n−N) inverse branches for f n−N<br />

with images in B. Therefore, B admits at least (1 − 2ε2 ) 2μ(B)d kn inverse branches<br />

gi : B → Ui for f n with image Ui ⋐ B. Observe that every holomorphic map<br />

g : B → U ⋐ B contracts the Kobayashi metric and then admits an attractive fixed<br />

point z. Moreover, gl converges uniformly to z and ∩lgl (B)={z}. Therefore, each<br />

gi admits a fixed attractive point ai. This point is fixed and repelling for f n .They<br />

are different since the Ui are disjoint. Finally, since μ is totally invariant, its support<br />

is also totally invariant under f . Hence, ai, which is equal to ∩lgl i (supp(μ) ∩ B), is<br />

necessarily in supp(μ). We deduce that<br />

#Pn ∩ B ≥ (1 − 2ε 2 ) 2 μ(B)d kn ≥ (1 − ε)d kn μ(B).<br />

This completes the proof. ⊓⊔<br />

Note that the periodic points ai, constructed above, satisfy �(Df n ) −1 (ai)� �<br />

d −n/2 . Note also that in the previous theorem, one can replace Pn with the set of all<br />

periodic points counting with multiplicity or not.<br />

Exercise 1.58. Let f be an endomorphism of algebraic degree d ≥ 2ofP k as above.<br />

Let K be a compact set such that f −1 (K) ⊂ K. Show that either K contains Jk,the<br />

Julia set of order k, orK is contained in the exceptional set E .Provethata �∈E if<br />

and only if ∪ f −n (a) is Zariski dense.<br />

Exercise 1.59. Let f be as above and U an open set which intersects the Julia set<br />

Jk. Show that ∪n≥0 f n (U) is a Zariski dense open set of P k . Deduce that f is topologically<br />

transitive on Jk, that is, for any given non-empty open sets V,W on Jk,<br />

there is an integer n ≥ 0 such that f n (V)∩W �=∅.IfE = ∅, show that f n (U)=P k<br />

for n large enough. If E ∩ Jk = ∅, show that f n (V )=Jk for n large enough.<br />

Exercise 1.60. Assume that p is a repelling fixed point in Jk. Ifg is another endomorphism<br />

close enough to f in Hd(P k ) such that g(p)=p, show that p belongs<br />

also to the Julia set of order k of g. Hint: use that g ↦→ μg is continuous.<br />

Exercise 1.61. Using Example 1.10, construct a map f in Hd(P k ), d ≥ 2, such that<br />

for n large enough, every fiber of f n contains more than d (k−1/2)n points. Deduce<br />

that there is Zariski dense open set in Hd(P k ) such that if f is in that Zariski open<br />

set, its exceptional set is empty.<br />

Exercise 1.62. Let ε be a fixed constant such that 0 < ε < 1. Let P ′ n the set of<br />

repelling periodic points a of prime period n on the support of μ such that all<br />

the eigenvalues of Df n at a are of modulus ≥ (d − ε) n/2 . Show that d −kn ∑a∈P ′ n δa<br />

converges to μ.<br />

Exercise 1.63. Let g be as in Theorem 1.56. Show that repelling periodic points<br />

on supp(μX ) are equidistributed with respect to μX. In particular, they are Zariski<br />


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