Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 227<br />

The entropy of ξ is the average of I ξ :<br />

�<br />

H(ξ ) :=<br />

I ξ (x)dν(x)=−∑ν(ξi)logν(ξi).<br />

It is useful to observe that the function t ↦→−tlogt is concave on ]0,1] and has the<br />

maximal value e−1 at e−1 .<br />

Consider now the information obtained if we measure the position of the orbit<br />

x,g(x),...,gn−1 (x) relatively to ξ . By definition, this is the measure of the entropy<br />

of the partition generated by ξ ,g−1 (ξ ),...,g−n+1 (ξ ), which we denote by<br />

�n−1 i=0 g−i (ξ ). The elements of this partition are ξi1 ∩ g−1 (ξi2 ) ∩ ...∩ g−n+1 (ξin−1 ).<br />

It can be shown [W]that<br />

1<br />

hν(g,ξ ) := lim<br />

n→∞ n H<br />

� n−1<br />

�<br />

exists. The entropy of the measure ν is defined as<br />

i=0<br />

hν(g) := suphν(g,ξ<br />

).<br />

ξ<br />

g −i (ξ )<br />

Two measurable dynamical systems g on (X,F ,ν) and g ′ on (X ′ ,F ′ ,ν ′ ) are<br />

said to be measurably conjugate if there is a measurable invertible map π : X → X ′<br />

such that π ◦ g = g ′ ◦ π and π∗(ν) =ν ′ . In that case, we have hν(g) =h ν ′(g ′ ).<br />

So, entropy is a conjugacy invariant. Note also that hν(g n )=nhν(g) and if g is<br />

invertible, hν(g n )=|n|hν(g) for n ∈ Z. Moreover, if g is a continuous map of a<br />

compact metric space, then ν ↦→ hν(g) is an affine function on the convex set of<br />

g-invariant probability measures [KH, p.164].<br />

We say that a measurable partition ξ is a generator if up to sets of measure<br />

zero, F is the smallest σ-algebra containing ξ which is invariant under g n ,n ∈ Z.<br />

A finite partition ξ is called a strong generator for a measure preserving dynamical<br />

system (X,F ,ν,g) as above, if up to sets of zero ν-measure, F generated<br />

by � ∞ n=0 g −n (ξ ). The following result of Kolmogorov-Sinai is useful in order to<br />

compute the entropy [W].<br />

Theorem 1.113 (Kolmogorov-Sinai). Let ξ be a strong generator for the<br />

dynamical system (X,F ,ν,g) as above. Then<br />

hν(g)=hν(g,ξ ).<br />

We recall another useful theorem due to Brin-Katok [BK] which is valid for<br />

continuous maps g : X → X on a compact metric space. Let B g n(x,δ) denote the<br />

ball of center x and of radius δ with respect to the Bowen distance distn. We call<br />

B g n(x,δ) the Bowen (n,δ)-ball. Define local entropies of an invariant probability<br />

measure ν by<br />

hν(g,x) := sup<br />

δ>0<br />

�<br />

limsup−<br />

n→∞<br />

1<br />

n logν(Bg n(x,δ))

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