Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Uniformisation of Foliations by Curves 159<br />

quasi-fibration. For instance, the radial foliation above can be transformed into a<br />

rational quasi-fibration, and even into a P-bundle, by blowing-up the origin.<br />

We have seen in Section 6 that the canonical bundle KF of a hyperbolic foliation<br />

is always pseudoeffective. At the opposite side, for a rational quasi-fibration KF is<br />

never pseudoeffective: its degree on a generic leaf (a smooth rational curve disjoint<br />

from Sing(F )) is equal to −2, and this prevents pseudoeffectivity. For parabolic<br />

foliations, the situation is mixed: the radial foliation in CP n has canonical bundle<br />

equal to O(−1), which is not pseudoeffective; a foliation like in Example 8.3 has<br />

trivial canonical bundle, which is pseudoeffective. One can also easily find examples<br />

of parabolic foliations with ample canonical bundle, for instance most foliations<br />

arising from complete polynomial vector fields in C n [Br4].<br />

The following result, which combines Theorem 8.2 and Theorem 7.3,showsthat<br />

most parabolic foliations have pseudoeffective canonical bundle.<br />

Theorem 8.5. Let F be a parabolic foliation on a compact connected Kähler manifold<br />

X. Suppose that its canonical bundle KF is not pseudoeffective. Then F is a<br />

foliation by rational curves.<br />

Proof. Consider the meromorphic map<br />

ΠF : EF | X 0 � UF ��� X<br />

given by Theorem 8.2. Because Sing(F )=X \ X 0 has codimension at least two,<br />

such a map meromorphically extends [Siu] to the full space EF :<br />

ΠF : EF ��� X.<br />

The section at infinity of EF is the same as the null section of E∗ F , the total space<br />

of KF .IfKF is not pseudoeffective, then by Theorem 7.3 ΠF extends to the full<br />

EF = EF ∪{section at ∞}, as a meromorphic map<br />

ΠF : EF ��� X.<br />

By construction, ΠF sends the rational fibers of EF to rational curves in X tangent<br />

to F , which is therefore a foliation by rational curves. ⊓⊔<br />

Note that the converse to this theorem is not always true: for instance, a parabolic<br />

foliation like in Example 8.3 has trivial (pseudoeffective) canonical bundle, yet it<br />

can be a foliation by rational curves, for some special v. A parabolic foliation is a<br />

foliation by rational curves if and only if the meromorphic map ΠF : EF ��� X<br />

introduced in the proof above extends to the section at infinity, and this can possibly<br />

occur even if KF is pseudoeffective, or even ample.<br />

We have now completed our analysis of positivity properties of the canonical<br />

bundle of a foliation, and their relation to uniformisation. We may resume the various<br />

inclusions of the various classes of foliations in the diagram below.

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