Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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192 Tien-Cuong Dinh and Nessim Sibony<br />

dimension < dimX, such that g −s (E) ⊂ Eforsomes≥ 1, thenE⊂ EX . Moreover,<br />

there are at most finitely many analytic sets in X which are totally invariant under g.<br />

Since g permutes the irreducible components of X, we can find an integer m ≥ 1<br />

such that g m fixes the components of X.<br />

Lemma 1.48. The topological degree of g m is equal to d mp .Moreprecisely,thereis<br />

a hypersurface Y of X containing sing(X) ∪ g m (sing(X)) such that for x ∈ X out of<br />

Y, the fiber g −m (x) has exactly d mp points.<br />

Proof. Since g m fixes the components of X, we can assume that X is irreducible. It<br />

follows that g m defines a covering over some Zariski dense open set of X. Wewant<br />

to prove that δ, the degree of this covering, is equal to d mp . Consider the positive<br />

measure ( f m ) ∗ (ω p<br />

FS ) ∧ [X]. Since( f m ) ∗ (ω p<br />

FS ) is cohomologous to dmpω p<br />

FS ,this<br />

measure is of mass d mp deg(X). Observe that ( f m )∗ preserves the mass of positive<br />

measures and that we have ( f m )∗[X]=δ[X]. Hence,<br />

d mp deg(X) =�( f m ) ∗ (ω p<br />

FS ) ∧ [X]� = �( f m )∗(( f m ) ∗ (ω p<br />

FS ) ∧ [X])�<br />

= �ω p<br />

FS ∧ ( f m )∗[X]� = δ�ω p<br />

FS<br />

∧ [X]� = δ deg(X).<br />

It follows that δ = d mp . So, we can take for Y, a hypersurface which contains the<br />

ramification values of g m and the set sing(X) ∪ g m (sing(X)). ⊓⊔<br />

Let Y be as above. Observe that if g m (x) �∈Y then g m defines a bi-holomorphic<br />

map between a neighbourhood of x and a neighbourhood of g m (x) in X. Let[Y ]<br />

denote the (k − p + 1,k − p + 1)-current of integration on Y in P k .Since( f mn )∗[Y ]<br />

is a positive closed (k − p + 1,k − p + 1)-current of mass d mn(p−1) deg(Y ), we can<br />

define the following ramification current<br />

R = ∑ Rn := ∑ d<br />

n≥0 n≥0<br />

−mnp ( f mn )∗[Y].<br />

Let ν(R,x) denote the Lelong number of R at x. By Theorem A.14, forc > 0,<br />

Ec := {ν(R,x) ≥ c} is an analytic set of dimension ≤ p −1 contained in X.Observe<br />

that E1 contains Y. WewillseethatRmeasures the obstruction for constructing<br />

good backwards orbits.<br />

For any point x ∈ X let λ ′ n (x) denote the number of distinct orbits<br />

x−n,x−n+1,...,x−1,x0<br />

such that gm (x−i−1)=x−i, x0 = x and x−i ∈ X \Y for 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. These are the<br />

“good” orbits. Define λn := d−mpnλ ′ n . The function λn is lower semi-continuous with<br />

respect to the Zariski topology on X. Moreover, by Lemma 1.48,wehave0≤λn≤1 and λn = 1 out of the analytic set ∪n−1 i=0 gmi (Y ). The sequence (λn) decreases to a<br />

function λ , which represents the asymptotic proportion of backwards orbits in X \Y.<br />

Lemma 1.49. There is a constant γ > 0 such that λ ≥ γ on X \ E1.

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