Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 189<br />

By Theorem 1.35, � Λ(�ϕ) belongs to D. This proves the claim. So, the crucial point<br />

is that Λ is contracting on an appropriate hyperplane.<br />

For ϕ,ψ in L 1 (P k ) we have<br />

� � Λ(ϕ) − � �<br />

Λ(ψ)� L1 ≤<br />

�Λ(|ϕ − ψ|)ω k FS = d 1−k<br />

�<br />

|ϕ − ψ| f ∗ (ω k FS) � �ϕ − ψ� L 1.<br />

So, the map � Λ is Lipschitz with respect to dist L 1. In particular, the map<br />

ϕ ↦→ ϕ − Λ(ϕ) is Lipschitz with respect to this distance. Now, we have for ϕ ∈ D<br />

〈μ,ϕ〉 = lim 〈d<br />

n→∞ −kn ( f n ) ∗ (ω k FS ),ϕ〉 = lim<br />

n→∞ 〈ωk FS ,Λ n (ϕ)〉<br />

= 〈ω k FS,ϕ〉−∑ 〈ω<br />

n≥0<br />

k FS,Λ n (ϕ) − Λ n+1 (ϕ)〉<br />

= 〈ω k FS ,ϕ〉−∑ d<br />

n≥0<br />

−n 〈ω k FS , �Λ n (ϕ − Λ(ϕ))〉.<br />

By Lemma 1.19, the last series defines a function on � D which is Hölder continuous<br />

with respect to dist L 1. Therefore, ϕ ↦→〈μ,ϕ〉 is Hölder continuous on D. ⊓⊔<br />

Remark 1.40. Let fs be a family of endomorphisms of algebraic degree d ≥ 2,<br />

depending holomorphically on a parameter s ∈ Σ. Letμs denote its equilibrium<br />

measure. We get that (s,ϕ) ↦→ μs(ϕ) is Hölder continuous on bounded subsets of<br />

Σ × DSH(P k ).<br />

The following results are useful in the stochastic study of the dynamical system.<br />

Corollary 1.41. Let f , μ and Λ be as above. There are constants c > 0 and α > 0<br />

such that if ψ is d.s.h. with �ψ�DSH ≤ 1,then<br />

� μ,e αd n |Λ n (ψ)−〈μ,ψ〉| � ≤ c and �Λ n (ψ) −〈μ,ψ〉� L q (μ) ≤ cqd −n<br />

for every n ≥ 0 and every 1 ≤ q < +∞.<br />

Proof. By Theorem 1.35, d n (Λ n (ψ) −〈μ,ψ〉) belong to a compact family in<br />

DSH(P k ). The first inequality in the corollary follows from Theorem 1.39. Forthe<br />

second one, we can assume that q is integer and we easily deduce the result from<br />

the first inequality and the inequalities x q ≤ q!e x ≤ q q e x for x ≥ 0. ⊓⊔<br />

Corollary 1.42. Let 0 < ν ≤ 2 be a constant. There are constants c > 0 and α > 0<br />

such that if ψ is a ν-Hölder continuous function with �ψ�C ν ≤ 1,then<br />

� μ,e αd nν/2 |Λ n (ψ)−〈μ,ψ〉| � ≤ c and �Λ n (ψ) −〈μ,ψ〉� L q (μ) ≤ cq ν/2 d −nν/2<br />

for every n ≥ 0 and every 1 ≤ q < +∞.<br />

Proof. By Corollary 1.41,since�·�DSH � �·� C 2,wehave<br />

�Λ n (ψ) −〈μ,ψ〉� L q (μ) ≤ cqd −n �ψ� C 2,

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