Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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116 Marco Brunella<br />

(ii) f factorizes as g ◦ j for some embedding j : D k × Ar → W, sending D k × ∂Ar to<br />

∂W and {z}×Ar into Wz, foreveryz ∈ D k .<br />

In particular, the restriction of g to the fiber Wz gives, after removal of indeterminacies,<br />

a disc which extends f (z,Ar), and these discs depend on z in a meromorphic<br />

way. The manifold W is differentiably a product of D k with D, but in general this<br />

does not hold holomorphically. However, note that by definition W is around its<br />

boundary ∂W isomorphic to a product D k × Ar.<br />

We shall say that an immersion f : D k ×Ar → X is an almost embedding if there<br />

exists a proper analytic subset I ⊂ D k such that the restriction of f to (D k \ I) × Ar<br />

is an embedding. In particular, for every z ∈ D k \ I, f (z,Ar) is an embedded annulus<br />

in X,and f (z,Ar), f (z ′ ,Ar) are disjoint if z,z ′ ∈ D k \ I are different.<br />

The following result is a sort of “unparametrized” Hartogs extension lemma<br />

[Siu, Iv1], in which the extension of maps is replaced by the extension of their images.<br />

Its proof is inspired by [Iv1] and[Iv2]. The new difficulty is that we need to<br />

construct not only a map but also the space where it is defined. The necessity of this<br />

unparametrized Hartogs lemma for our future constructions, instead of the usual<br />

parametrized one, has been observed in [ChI].<br />

Theorem 3.1. Let X be a compact Kähler manifold and let f : D k × Ar → Xbe<br />

an almost embedding. Suppose that there exists an open nonempty subset Ω ⊂ D k<br />

such that f (z,Ar) extends to a disc for every z ∈ Ω. Then f(D k × Ar) extends to a<br />

meromorphic family of discs.<br />

Proof. Consider the subset<br />

Z = { z ∈ D k \ I | f (z,Ar) extends to a disc }.<br />

Our first aim is to give to Z a complex analytic structure with countable base. This is<br />

a rather standard fact, see [Iv2] for related ideas and [CaP] for a larger perspective.<br />

For every z ∈ Z, fix a simple extension<br />

gz : D → X<br />

of f (z,Ar). We firstly put on Z the following metrizable topology: we define the<br />

distance between z1,z2 ∈ Z as the Hausdorff distance in X between the discs gz1 (D)<br />

and gz2 (D). Note that this topology may be finer than the topology induced by the<br />

inclusion Z ⊂ Dk :ifz1,z2 ∈ Z are close each other in Dk then gz1 (D), gz2 (D) are<br />

close each other near their boundaries, but their interiors may be far each other<br />

(think to blow-up).<br />

Take z ∈ Z and take a Stein neighbourhood U ⊂ X of gz(D). Consider the subset<br />

A ⊂ Dk \ I of those points z ′ such that the circle f (z ′ ,∂Ar) is the boundary of a<br />

compact complex curve Cz ′ contained in U. Note that, by the maximum principle,<br />

such a curve is Hausdorff-close to gz(D), ifz ′ is close to z. According to a theorem<br />

of<br />

�<br />

Wermer or Harvey-Lawson [AWe, Ch.19], this condition is equivalent to say that<br />

f (z ′ ,∂Ar) β = 0 for every holomorphic 1-form β on U (moment condition). These<br />

integrals depend holomorphically on z ′ ,foreveryβ . We deduce (by noetherianity)<br />

that A is an analytic subset of Dk \ I, on a neighbourhood of z. Foreveryz ′ ∈ A,

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