Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 249<br />

Remark 2.26. Assume that f is not with large topological degree but that the series<br />

which defines the ramification current R converges. We can then construct inverse<br />

branches as in Proposition 2.21. To obtain the same exponential estimates on the<br />

diameter of Wi, it is enough to assume that dk−1 < dt. In general, we only have that<br />

these diameters tend uniformly to 0 when n goes to infinity. Indeed, we can use the<br />

estimate in Exercise 2.18. The equidistribution of periodic points and of negative<br />

orbits still holds in this case.<br />

Exercise 2.27. Let f be a polynomial-like map with large topological degree. Show<br />

that there is a small perturbation of f , arbitrarily close to f , whose exceptional set<br />

is empty.<br />

2.4 Properties of the Green Measure<br />

Several properties of the equilibrium measure of polynomial-like maps can be<br />

proved using the arguments that we introduced in the case of endomorphisms of P k .<br />

We have the following result for general polynomial-like maps.<br />

Theorem 2.28. Let f : U → V be a polynomial-like map of topological degree<br />

dt > 1. Then its equilibrium measure μ is an invariant measure of maximal entropy<br />

logdt. Moreover, μ is K-mixing.<br />

Proof. By Theorem 2.16, μ has no mass on the critical set of f . Therefore, it is<br />

an invariant measure of constant Jacobian dt in the sense that μ( f (A)) = dt μ(A)<br />

when f is injective on a Borel set A. We deduce from Parry’s theorem 1.116 that<br />

hμ( f ) ≥ logdt. The variational principle and Theorem 2.4 imply that hμ( f )=logdt.<br />

We prove the K-mixing property. As in the case of endomorphisms of Pk ,<br />

it is enough to show for ϕ in L2 (μ) that Λ n (ϕ) →〈μ,ϕ〉 in L2 (μ). Since<br />

Λ : L2 (μ) → L2 (μ) is of norm 1, it is enough to check the convergence for a<br />

dense family of ϕ. So, we only have to consider ϕ smooth. We can also assume<br />

that ϕ is p.s.h. because smooth functions can be written as a difference of p.s.h.<br />

functions. Assume also for simplicity that 〈μ,ϕ〉 = 0.<br />

So, the p.s.h. functions Λ n (ϕ) converge to 0 in L p<br />

loc<br />

(V). By Hartogs’ lemma<br />

A.20, sup U Λ n (ϕ) converge to 0. This and the identity 〈μ,Λ n (ϕ)〉 = 〈μ,ϕ〉 = 0<br />

imply that μ{Λ n (ϕ) < −δ} →0foreveryfixedδ > 0. On the other hand, by<br />

definition of Λ, |Λ n (ϕ)| is bounded by �ϕ�∞ which is a constant independent of n.<br />

Therefore, Λ n (ϕ) → 0inL 2 (μ) and K-mixing follows. ⊓⊔<br />

The following result, due to Saleur [S], generalizes Theorem 1.118.<br />

Theorem 2.29. Let f : U → V be a polynomial-like map with large topological<br />

degree. Then its equilibrium measure is the unique invariant probability measure of<br />

maximal entropy.

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