Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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74 Eric Bedford<br />

Fig. 2 Julia set for p(z)=z 2 − 1<br />

in 2D. It is natural to take the corresponding 2-D model to be the complex solenoid.<br />

We set<br />

Σ∗ = {ζ =(ζn)n∈Z : ζn ∈ C∗,ζn+1 = ζ d n }<br />

and we give Σ∗ the infinite product topology induced by Σ∗ ⊂ C ∞ ∗ .Also,Σ∗ is a<br />

group under the operation ζ · η =(ζnηn)n∈Z. Themapσ(ζ) =ζ d is the same as<br />

the (bilateral) shift map, and σ defines a homeomorphism of Σ∗.<br />

Let us write π : Σ∗ → C∗ for the projection π(ζ)=ζ0 and set Σ+ = π −1 (C− ¯D).<br />

Our model dynamical system is now (σ,Σ+); in fact this is the projective limit of<br />

the dynamical system (σ,C− ¯D). The 2-D analogue of C− ¯D is J − + := J − −K.The<br />

following should be clear from the definitions.<br />

Proposition 1.31. If ϕ + extends holomorphically to a neighborhood of J − +,<br />

then it yields a semiconjugacy Φ + : J − + → Σ+ defined at p ∈ J − + by Φ+ (p) =<br />

(ϕ + ( f n p))n∈Z.<br />

Problem: Suppose that f is hyperbolic and that ϕ + extends to J − +.IsthemapΦ +<br />

injective, i.e., does it give a conjugacy between ( f ,J − +) and the model (σ,Σ∗)?<br />

The 2-D version of the circle variable θ is the real solenoid Σ0 := {ζ ∈ Σ∗ :<br />

|ζ0| = 1}. The path components of Σ0 are homeomorphic to R. The “natural” picture<br />

to draw for a complex Hénon map is to start with a saddle point p. The stable and<br />

unstable manifolds W s/u (p) are conformally equivalent to C. Letψ : C → W u (p)<br />

denote a uniformization such that ψ(0) =p. Any other such uniformization ˆψ is<br />

given by ˆψ(ζ) =ψ(αζ) for some α ∈ C∗. A useful picture, then, is to draw the

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