Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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152 Marco Brunella<br />

pseudoconvex neighbourhoods of the null section. Recall that an open subset W of<br />

a complex manifold E is locally pseudoconvex in E if for every w ∈ ∂W there exists<br />

a neighbourhood Uw ⊂ E of w such that W ∩Uw is Stein.<br />

Lemma 7.4. Let X be a compact connected complex manifold and let L be a line<br />

bundle on X. The following two properties are equivalent:<br />

(i) L is pseudoeffective;<br />

(ii) in the total space E ∗ of the dual line bundle L ∗ there exists a neighbourhood<br />

W �= E ∗ of the null section Σ ∗ which is locally pseudoconvex in E ∗ .<br />

Proof. The implication (i) ⇒ (ii) is quite evident. If h is a (singular) hermitian metric<br />

on L with positive curvature [Dem], then in a local trivialization E|Uj � Uj × C<br />

the unit ball is expressed by {(z,t) ||t| < e h j(z) },whereh j : Uj → [−∞,+∞) is the<br />

plurisubharmonic weight of h. In the dual local trivialization E ∗ |Uj � Uj × C, the<br />

unit ball of the dual metric is expressed by {(z,s) ||s| < e −h j(z) }. The plurisubharmonicity<br />

of h j gives (and is equivalent to) the Steinness of such an open subset of<br />

Uj × C (recall Hartogs Theorem on Hartogs Tubes mentioned in Section 2). Hence<br />

we get (ii), with W equal to the unit ball in E ∗ .<br />

The implication (ii) ⇒ (i) is not more difficult. Let W ⊂ E ∗ be as in (ii). On E ∗<br />

we have a natural S 1 -action, which fixes Σ ∗ and rotates each fiber. For every ϑ ∈ S 1 ,<br />

let Wϑ be the image of W by the action of ϑ.Then<br />

W ′ = ∩ ϑ∈S 1Wϑ<br />

is still a nontrivial locally pseudoconvex neighbourhood of Σ ∗ , for local pseudoconvexity<br />

is stable by intersections. For every z ∈ X, W ′ intersects the fiber E ∗ z along<br />

an open subset which is S1-invariant, a connected component of which is therefore<br />

adiscW0 z centered at the origin (possibly W 0<br />

z = E∗ z for certain z, but not for all);<br />

the other components are annuli around the origin. Using the local pseudoconvexity<br />

of W ′ , i.e. its Steinness in local trivializations E∗ |Uj � Uj × C, it is easy to see that<br />

these annuli and discs cannot merge when z moves in X.Inotherwords,<br />

W ′′ = ∪z∈XW 0<br />

z<br />

is a connected component of W ′ , and of course it is still a nontrivial pseudoconvex<br />

neighbourhood of Σ ∗ .WemayuseW ′′ as unit ball for a metric on L ∗ .Asinthefirst<br />

part of the proof, the corresponding dual metric on L has positive curvature, in the<br />

sense of currents. ⊓⊔<br />

Consider now, in the space UΣ × Y, the graph Γf of the meromorphic map<br />

f : U 0 Σ = UΣ \ Σ ��� Y. By definition of meromorphicity, Γf is an irreducible analytic<br />

subset of U 0 Σ ×Y ⊂ UΣ ×Y, whose projection to U 0 Σ is proper and generically<br />

bijective. It may be singular, and in that case we replace it by a resolution of its<br />

singularities, still denoted by Γf . The (new) projection<br />

π : Γf → U 0 Σ

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