Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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158 Marco Brunella<br />

vanishing, F(z,·) holomorphic for every fixed z, andF(·,0) also holomorphic. The<br />

completeness on fibers gives that F is in fact constant on every fiber, i.e. F = F(z),<br />

and so F is in fact fully holomorphic. Thus �v is fully holomorphic on the tube. This<br />

means precisely that the above map EF | X 0 → UF is holomorphic. ⊓⊔<br />

Example 8.3. Consider a foliation F generated by a global holomorphic vector field<br />

v ∈ Θ(X), vanishing precisely on Sing(F ). This means that TF is the trivial line<br />

bundle, and EF = X × C. The compactness of X permits to define the flow of v<br />

Φ : X × C → X<br />

which sends {p}×C to the orbit of v through p, thatistoL0 p if p ∈ X 0 or to {p} if<br />

p ∈ Sing(F ). Recalling that Lp = L0 p for a generic leaf, and observing that every L0 p<br />

is obviously parabolic, we see that F is a parabolic foliation. It is also not difficult<br />

to see that, in fact, Lp = L0 p for every leaf, i.e. there are no vanishing ends, and so<br />

the map<br />

ΠF : UF → X 0<br />

is everywhere holomorphic, with values in X 0 .WehaveUF = X 0 ×C (by Theorem<br />

8.2, which is however quite trivial in this special case), and the map ΠF : X 0 ×C →<br />

X 0 can be identified with the restricted flow Φ : X 0 × C → X 0 .<br />

Remark 8.4. It is a general fact [Br3] that vanishing ends of a foliation F produce<br />

rational curves in X over which the canonical bundle KF has negative degree. In<br />

particular, if KF is algebraically nef (i.e. KF ·C ≥ 0 for every compact curve C ⊂ X)<br />

then F has no vanishing end.<br />

8.3 Foliations by Rational Curves<br />

We shall say that a foliation by curves F is a foliation by rational curves if for<br />

every p ∈ X 0 there exists a rational curve Rp ⊂ X passing through p and tangent<br />

to F . This class of foliations should not be confused with the smaller class of rational<br />

quasi-fibrations: certainly a rational quasi-fibration is a foliation by rational<br />

curves, but the converse is in general false, because the above rational curves Rp<br />

can pass through Sing(F ) and so Lp (which is equal to Rp minus those points of<br />

Rp ∩Sing(F ) not corresponding to vanishing ends) can be parabolic or even hyperbolic.<br />

Thus the class of foliations by rational curves is transversal to our fundamental<br />

trichotomy rational quasi-fibrations / parabolic foliations / hyperbolic foliations.<br />

A typical example is the radial foliation in the projective space CPn , i.e. the foliation<br />

generated (in an affine chart) by the radial vector field ∑z j ∂ : it is a foliation<br />

∂zj<br />

by rational curves, but it is parabolic. By applying a birational map of the projective<br />

space, we can get also a hyperbolic foliation by rational curves.On the other<br />

hand, it is a standard exercise in bimeromorphic geometry to see that any foliation<br />

by rational curves can be transformed, by a bimeromorphic map, into a rational

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