Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 215<br />

The ASIP implies other stochastic results, see [PS], in particular, the law of the<br />

iterated logarithm. With our notations, it implies that for ϕ as above<br />

limsup<br />

N→∞<br />

SN(ϕ)<br />

σ � N loglog(Nσ 2 )<br />

= 1 μ-almost everywhere.<br />

Dupont’s approach is based on the Philipp-Stout’s result applied to a Bernoulli<br />

system and a quantitative Bernoulli property of the equilibrium measure of f ,i.e.a<br />

construction of a coding tree. We refer to Dupont and Przytycki-Urbanski-Zdunik<br />

[PU] for these results.<br />

Recall the Bernoulli property of μ which was proved by Briend in [BJ1]. The<br />

dimension one case is due to Mañé [MA] and Heicklen-Hoffman [HH]. Denote<br />

by (Σ,ν,σ) the one-sided dk-shift, whereΣ := {1,...,dk } N , ν is the probability<br />

measure on Σ induced by the equilibrium probability measure on {1,...,dk } and<br />

σ : Σ → Σ is the dk to 1 map defined by σ(α0,α1,...)=(α1,α2,...).<br />

Theorem 1.92. Let f and μ be as above. Then (Pk , μ, f ) is measurably conjugated<br />

to (Σ,ν,σ). More precisely, there is a measurable map π : Σ → Pk , defined out of a<br />

set of zero ν-measure, which is invertible out of a set of zero μ-measure, such that<br />

π∗(ν)=μ and f = π ◦ σ ◦ π−1 μ-almost everywhere.<br />

The proof uses a criterion, the so called tree very weak Bernoulli property (treevwB<br />

for short) due to Hoffman-Rudolph [HR]. One can use Proposition 1.51 in<br />

order to check this criterion.<br />

The last stochastic property we consider here is the large deviations theorem. As<br />

above, we first recall the classical result in probability theory.<br />

Theorem 1.93. Let Z1,Z2,... be independent random variables on (X,F ,ν), identically<br />

distributed with values in R, and of mean zero, i.e. E(Z1)=0. Assume also<br />

that for t ∈ R, exp(tZn) is integrable. Then, the limit<br />

I(ε) := − lim<br />

N→∞ logν<br />

�� � �<br />

����<br />

Z1 + ···+<br />

�<br />

ZN �<br />

� > ε .<br />

N �<br />

exists and I(ε) > 0 for ε > 0.<br />

The theorem estimates the size of the set where the average is away from zero,<br />

the expected value. We have<br />

�� � �<br />

����<br />

Z1 + ···+<br />

�<br />

ZN �<br />

ν<br />

� > ε ∼ e<br />

N � −NI(ε) .<br />

Our goal is to give an analogue for the equilibrium measure of endomorphisms<br />

of P k . We first prove an abstract result corresponding to the above Gordin’s result<br />

for the central limit theorem.<br />

Consider a dynamical system g : (X,F ,ν) → (X,F ,ν) as above where ν is an<br />

invariant probability measure. So, g ∗ defines a linear operator of norm 1 from L 2 (ν)<br />

into itself. We say that g has bounded Jacobian if there is a constant κ > 0 such that<br />

ν(g(A)) ≤ κν(A) for every A ∈ F . The following result was obtained in [DNS].

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