Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 275<br />

each variable. Let u1,...,un be p.s.h. functions on X. Then χ(u1,...,un) is p.s.h. In<br />

particular, the function max(u1,...,un) is p.s.h.<br />

We call complete pluripolar set the pole set {u = −∞} of a p.s.h. function and<br />

pluripolar set a subset of a complete pluripolar one. Pluripolar sets are of Hausdorff<br />

dimension ≤ 2k − 2, in particular, they have zero Lebesgue measure. Finite and<br />

countable unions of (locally) pluripolar sets are (locally) pluripolar. In particular,<br />

finite and countable unions of analytic subsets are locally pluripolar.<br />

Proposition A.19. Let E be a closed pluripolar set in X and u a p.s.h. function on<br />

X \ E, locally bounded above near E. Then the extension of u to X given by<br />

is a p.s.h. function.<br />

u(z) := limsupu(w)<br />

w→z<br />

w∈X\E<br />

for z ∈ E,<br />

The following result describes compactness properties of p.s.h. functions, see<br />

[HO].<br />

Proposition A.20. Let (un) be a sequence of p.s.h. functions on X, locally bounded<br />

from above. Then either it converges locally uniformly to −∞ on a component of<br />

X or there is a subsequence (uni ) which converges in Lp<br />

loc (X) to a p.s.h. function<br />

u for every p with 1 ≤ p < ∞. In the second case, we have limsupuni ≤ u with<br />

equality outside a pluripolar set. Moreover, if K is a compact subset of X and if h is a<br />

continuous function on K such that u < honK,thenuni < h on K for i large enough.<br />

The last assertion is the classical Hartogs’ lemma. It suggests the following notion<br />

of convergence introduced in [DS10]. Let (un) be a sequence of p.s.h. functions<br />

converging to a p.s.h. function u in L 1 loc (X). We say that the sequence (un) converges<br />

in the Hartogs’ sense or is H-convergent if for any compact subset K of X there<br />

are constants cn converging to 0 such that un + cn ≥ u on K. In this case, Hartogs’<br />

lemma implies that un converge pointwise to u. If(un) decreases to a function u,<br />

not identically −∞, thenu is p.s.h. and (un) converges in the Hartogs’ sense. The<br />

following result is useful in the calculus with p.s.h. functions.<br />

Proposition A.21. Let u be a p.s.h. function on an open subset D of C k .LetD ′ ⋐ D<br />

be an open set. Then, there is a sequence of smooth p.s.h. functions un on D ′ which<br />

decreases to u.<br />

The functions un can be obtained as the standard convolution of u with some<br />

radial function ρn on C k . The submean inequality for u allows to choose ρn so that<br />

un decrease to u.<br />

The following result, see [HO2], may be considered as the strongest compactness<br />

property for p.s.h. functions. The proof can be reduced to the one dimensional case<br />

by slicing.

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