Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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182 Tien-Cuong Dinh and Nessim Sibony<br />

Exercise 1.31. Let f be an endomorphism of algebraic degree d ≥ 2ofP k .LetX<br />

be an analytic set of pure dimension p in an open set U ⊂ P k . Show that for every<br />

compact K ⊂ U<br />

1<br />

limsup<br />

n→∞ n logvolume( f n (X ∩ K)) ≤ plogd.<br />

Hint. For an appropriate cut-off function χ, estimate �<br />

X χ( f n ) ∗ (ω p<br />

FS ).<br />

1.3 Other Constructions of the Green Currents<br />

In this paragraph, we give other methods, introduced and developped by the authors,<br />

in order to construct the Green currents and Green measures for meromorphic maps.<br />

We obtain estimates on the Perron-Frobenius operator and on the thickness of the<br />

Green measure, that will be applied in the stochastic study of the dynamical system.<br />

A key point here is the use of d.s.h. functions as observables.<br />

We first present a recent direct construction of Green (p, p)-currents using superpotentials<br />

1 . Super-potentials are a tool in order to compute with positive closed<br />

(p, p)-currents. They play the same role as potentials for bidegree (1,1) currents.<br />

In dynamics, they are used in particular in the equidistribution problem for algebraic<br />

sets of arbitrary dimension and allow to get some estimates on the speed of<br />

convergence.<br />

Theorem 1.32. Let S be a positive closed (p, p)-current of mass 1 on P k . Assume<br />

that the super-potential of S is bounded. Then d −pn ( f n ) ∗ (S) converge to the Green<br />

(p, p)-current T p of f . Moreover, T p has a Hölder continuous super-potential.<br />

Sketch of proof. We refer to Appendix A.2 and A.4 for an introduction to superpotentials<br />

and to the action of holomorphic maps on positive closed currents. Recall<br />

that f ∗ and f∗ act on H p,p (Pk ,C) as the multiplications by d p and dk−p respectively.<br />

So, if S is a positive closed (p, p)-current of mass 1, then � f ∗ (S)� = d p and<br />

� f∗(S)� = dk−p since the mass can be computed cohomologically. Let Λ denote the<br />

operator d−p+1 f∗ acting on Ck−p+1(Pk ), the convex set of positive closed currents<br />

of bidegree (k − p + 1,k − p + 1) and of mass 1. It is continuous and it takes values<br />

also in Ck−p+1(Pk ).LetV , U , Un denote the super-potentials of d−p f ∗ (ω p<br />

), S<br />

FS<br />

and d−pn ( f n ) ∗ (S) respectively. Consider a quasi-potential U of mean 0 of S which<br />

is a DSH current satisfying ddcU = S − ω p<br />

FS . The following computations are valid<br />

for S smooth and can be extended to all currents S using a suitable regularization<br />

procedure.<br />

By Theorem A.35 in the Appendix, the current d−p f ∗ (U) is DSH and satisfies<br />

dd c� d −p f ∗ (U) � = d −p f ∗ (S) − d −p f ∗ (ω p<br />

FS ).<br />

1 These super-potentials correspond to super-potentials of mean 0 in [DS10].

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