Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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172 Tien-Cuong Dinh and Nessim Sibony<br />

For a holomorphic map f on P k , a point a in P k is critical if f is not injective in a<br />

neighbourhood of a or equivalently the multiplicity of f at a in the fiber f −1 ( f (a)) is<br />

strictly larger than 1, see Theorem A.3. We say that a is a critical point of multiplicity<br />

m if the multiplicity of f at a in the fiber f −1 ( f (a)) is equal to m + 1.<br />

Proposition 1.6. Let f be a holomorphic endomorphism of algebraic degree d ≥ 2<br />

of P k . Then, the critical set of f is an algebraic hypersurface of degree (k+1)(d −1)<br />

counted with multiplicity.<br />

Proof. If F is a lift of f to C k+1 , the Jacobian Jac(F) is a homogeneous polynomial<br />

of degree (k + 1)(d − 1). The zero set of Jac(F) in P k is exactly the critical set of f .<br />

The result follows. ⊓⊔<br />

Let C denote the critical set of f . The orbit C , f (C ), f 2 (C ),... is either a hypersurface<br />

or a countable union of hypersurfaces. We say that f is postcritically finite<br />

if this orbit is a hypersurface, i.e. has only finitely many irreducible components.<br />

Besides very simple examples, postcritically finite maps are difficult to construct,<br />

because the image of a variety is often a variety of larger degree; so we have to<br />

increase the multiplicity in order to get only finitely many irreducible components.<br />

We give few examples of postcritically finite maps, see [FS, FS7].<br />

Example 1.7. We can check that for d ≥ 2and(1 − 2λ ) d = 1<br />

f [z0 : ···: zk] :=[z d 0 : λ (z0 − 2z1) d : ···: λ (z0 − 2zk) d ]<br />

is postcritically finite. For some parameters α ∈ C and 0 ≤ l ≤ d,themap<br />

fα[z] :=[z d 0 : zd1 : zd2 + αzd−l<br />

1 z l 2 ]<br />

is also postcritically finite. In particular, for f0[z] =[zd 0 : zd 1 : zd 2 ], the associated<br />

critical set is equal to {z0z1z2 = 0} which is invariant under f0. So, f0 is postcritically<br />

finite.<br />

Arguing as above, using Bézout’s theorem, we can prove that if Y is an analytic<br />

set of pure codimension p in P k then f −1 (Y ) is an analytic set of pure<br />

codimension p. Its degree, counting with multiplicity, is equal to d p deg(Y). Recall<br />

that the degree deg(Y ) of Y is the number of points in the intersection of Y<br />

with a generic projective subspace of dimension p. We deduce that the pull-back<br />

operator f ∗ on the Hodge cohomology group H p,p (P k ,C) is simply a multiplication<br />

by d p .Since f is a ramified covering of degree d k , f∗ ◦ f ∗ is the multiplication by<br />

d k . Therefore, the push-forward operator f∗ acting on H p,p (P k ,C) is the multiplication<br />

by d k−p . In particular, the image f (Y ) of Y by f is an analytic set of pure<br />

codimension p and of degree d k−p deg(Y ), counted with multiplicity.<br />

We now introduce the Fatou and Julia sets associated to an endomorphism. The<br />

following definition is analogous to the one variable case.<br />

Definition 1.8. The Fatou set of f is the largest open set F in P k where the sequence<br />

of iterates ( f n )n≥1 is locally equicontinuous. The complement J of F is called the<br />

Julia set of f .

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