Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 225<br />

We prove now the inequality ht( f ) ≤ lov( f ). Consider an (n,ε)-separated<br />

set F in Pk . For each point a ∈ F , let a (n) denote the corresponding point<br />

(a, f (a),..., f n−1 (a)) in Γn and Ba,n the ball of center a (n) and of radius ε/2 in<br />

(Pk ) n .SinceFis (n,ε)-separated, these balls are disjoint. On the other hand,<br />

by Lelong’s inequality, volume(Γn ∩ Ba,n) ≥ c ′ kε2k , c ′ k > 0. Note that Lelong’s inequality<br />

is stated in the Euclidean metric. We can apply it using a fixed atlas of<br />

Pk and the corresponding product atlas of (Pk ) n , the distortion is bounded. So,<br />

#F ≤ c ′−1<br />

k ε−2kvolume(Γn) and hence,<br />

1 1<br />

log#F ≤<br />

n n log(volume(Γn))<br />

�<br />

1<br />

�<br />

+ O .<br />

n<br />

It follows that ht( f ) ≤ lov( f )=k logd. �<br />

We study the entropy of f on some subsets of P k . The following result is due to<br />

de Thélin and Dinh [DT3, D3].<br />

Theorem 1.112. Let f be a holomorphic endomorphism of P k of algebraic degree<br />

d ≥ 2 and Jp its Julia set of order p, 1 ≤ p ≤ k. If K is a subset of P k such that<br />

K ∩ Jp = ∅,thenht( f ,K) ≤ (p − 1)logd.<br />

Proof. The proof is based on Gromov’s idea as in Theorem 1.108 and on the speed<br />

of convergence towards the Green current. Recall that Jp is the support of the<br />

Green (p, p)-current T p of f . Fix an open neighbourhood W of K such that W ⋐<br />

P k \ supp(T p ). Using the notations in Theorem 1.108, we only have to prove that<br />

lov( f ,W ) := limsup<br />

n→∞<br />

1<br />

n<br />

logvolume(Π −1<br />

0 (W ) ∩Γn) ≤ (p − 1)logd.<br />

It is enough to show that volume(Π −1<br />

0 (W) ∩ Γn) � n k d (p−1)n . As in Theorem<br />

1.108, it is sufficient to check that for 0 ≤ ni ≤ n<br />

�<br />

W<br />

( f n1 ) ∗ (ωFS) ∧ ...∧ ( f n k ) ∗ (ωFS) � d (p−1)n .<br />

To this end, we prove by induction on (r,s), 0≤ r ≤ p and 0 ≤ s ≤ k − p + r,that<br />

�T p−r ∧ ( f n1 ) ∗ (ωFS) ∧ ...∧ ( f ns ) ∗ (ωFS)�Wr,s ≤ cr,sd n(r−1) ,<br />

where Wr,s is a neighbourhood of W and cr,s ≥ 0 is a constant independent of n and<br />

of ni. We obtain the result by taking r = p and s = k.<br />

It is clear that the previous inequality holds when r = 0 and also when s = 0. In<br />

both cases, we can take Wr,s = P k \ supp(T p ) and cr,s = 1. Assume the inequality<br />

for (r − 1,s − 1) and (r,s − 1). LetWr,s be a neighbourhood of W strictly contained<br />

in Wr−1,s−1 and Wr,s−1. Letχ ≥ 0 be a smooth cut-off function with support in<br />

Wr−1,s−1 ∩Wr,s−1 which is equal to 1 on Wr,s. We only have to prove that<br />

�<br />

T p−r ∧ ( f n1 ) ∗ (ωFS) ∧ ...∧ ( f ns ) ∗ (ωFS) ∧ χω k−p+r−s<br />

FS<br />

≤ cr,sd n(r−1) .

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