Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms 61<br />

Proof. This is a consequence of the previous Theorem. ⊓⊔<br />

A point p is periodic if f N p = p for some N. The minimal such N > 0 is called<br />

the period of p.<br />

Proposition 1.5. For each N there are only finitely many periodic points of<br />

period N.<br />

Proof. The set PN := {(x,y) ∈ C 2 : f N (x,y) =(x,y)} is a subvariety. Further,<br />

we have PN ⊂ K, so it is bounded. But any bounded subvariety of C 2 must be a<br />

finite set. ⊓⊔<br />

A periodic point p of period N is a saddle if DfN p has one eigenvalue with modulus<br />

1. We use the notation SPer for the set of<br />

saddle (periodic) points and J∗ = SPer for its closure. By an exercise above, we<br />

have:<br />

Proposition 1.6. If p is a saddle (periodic) point, then p ∈ J. Thus J ∗ ⊂ J.<br />

Problem: It is an interesting and basic question to determine whether J∗ = J holds<br />

for all Hénon maps. However, this is not yet known.<br />

Exercise: Suppose that p is a fixed point, and there is a neighborhood U of p such<br />

that fU is a compact subset of U. Show that p is a sink, and � f nU = p.<br />

Theorem 1.7. If |a| = 1, then the volume of (K + ∪ K − ) − Kiszero.If|a| < 1, then<br />

the volume of K − is zero.<br />

Proof. By the previous Corollary, the sets Sn = K − − f n V + are increasing in n.But<br />

the volume is |Sn+1| = |a| 2 |Sn|.If|a|≤1, we have |Sn+1| = |Sn|,or|Sn+1 − Sn| = 0.<br />

Their union is K − −V + = � Sn, so we see that |K − −V + | = 0. By Theorem, then,<br />

we have |K − − K| = 0. If |a| = 1, then we apply the argument to f −1 to obtain the<br />

first statement of the Theorem. If |a| < 1, then the volumes are |K| = | fK| = |a| 2 |K|,<br />

so |K| = 0. ⊓⊔<br />

Problem: Suppose that f is a Hénon map with real coefficients, so f is a diffeomorphism<br />

of R 2 .Ifδ = ±1, then f preserves area. Is it possible for K to have positive<br />

volume in C 2 ?OrifK ⊂ R 2 can it have positive area?<br />

For a point p, wedefinetheω-limit set ω(p) to be the set of all limit points<br />

f n j p → q for subsequences n j → +∞. A property of ω(p) is that it is invariant<br />

under both f and f −1 .<br />

For a compact set X, define its stable set as<br />

W s (X)={y : lim<br />

n→∞ dist( f n y, f n X)=0},<br />

and the unstable set is defined to be the stable set in backward time:<br />

W u (X)={y : lim<br />

n→−∞ dist( f −n y, f −n X)=0}.

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