Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Dynamics in Several Complex variables 287<br />

Super-potentials allow to develop a theory of intersection of currents in higher<br />

bidegree. Here, the fact that US has a value at every point (i.e. at every current<br />

R ∈ Ck−p+1(Pk )) is crucial. Let S, S ′ be positive closed currents of bidegree (p, p)<br />

and (p ′ , p ′ ) with p + p ′ ≤ k. We assume for simplicity that their masses are equal<br />

to 1. We say that S and S ′ are wedgeable if US is finite at S ′ ∧ ω k−p−p′ +1<br />

FS .This<br />

property is symmetric on S and S ′ .If�S, �S ′ are more diffuse than S,S ′ and if S,S ′ are<br />

wedgeable, then �S, �S ′ are wedgeable.<br />

Let Φ be a real smooth form of bidegree (k − p − p ′ ,k − p − p ′ ). Write<br />

ddcΦ = c(Ω + − Ω − ) with c ≥ 0andΩ ± positive closed of mass 1. If S and<br />

S ′ are wedgeable, define the current S ∧ S ′ by<br />

〈S ∧ S ′ ,Φ〉 := 〈S ′ ,ω p<br />

FS ∧ Φ〉 + cUS(S ′ ∧ Ω + ) − cUS(S ′ ∧ Ω − ).<br />

A simple computation shows that the definition coincides with the usual wedgeproduct<br />

when S or S ′ is smooth. One can also prove that the previous definition does<br />

not depend on the choice of c, Ω ± and is symmetric with respect to S,S ′ .IfS is of<br />

bidegree (1,1), thenS,S ′ are wedgeable if and only if the quasi-potentials of S are<br />

integrable with respect to the trace measure of S ′ . In this case, the above definition<br />

coincides with the definition in Appendix A.3. We have the following general result.<br />

Theorem A.48. Let Si be positive closed currents of bidegree (pi, pi) on P k with<br />

1 ≤ i ≤ m and p1 +···+ pm ≤ k. Assume that for 1 ≤ i ≤ m−1,Si and Si+1 ∧...∧Sm<br />

are wedgeable. Then, this condition is symmetric on S1,...,Sm. The wedge-product<br />

S1 ∧ ... ∧ Sm is a positive closed current of mass �S1�...�Sm� supported on<br />

supp(S1) ∩ ...∩ supp(Sm). It depends linearly on each variable and is symmet-<br />

ric on the variables. If S (n)<br />

i converge to Si in the Hartogs’ sense, then the S (n)<br />

i are<br />

wedgeable and S (n)<br />

1<br />

∧ ...∧ S(n)<br />

m converge in the Hartogs’ sense to S1 ∧ ...∧ Sm.<br />

We deduce from this result that wedge-products of PB currents are PB. One can<br />

also prove that wedge-products of PC currents are PC. If Sn is defined by analytic<br />

sets, they are wedgeable if the intersection of these analytic sets is of codimension<br />

p1 + ···+ pm. In this case, the intersection in the sense of currents coincides with<br />

the intersection of cycles, i.e. is equal to the current of integration on the intersection<br />

of cycles where we count the multiplicities. We have the following criterion of<br />

wedgeability which contains the case of cycles.<br />

Proposition A.49. Let S,S ′ be positive closed currents on P k of bidegrees (p, p)<br />

and (p ′ , p ′ ).LetW,W ′ be open sets such that S restricted to W and S ′ restricted to<br />

W ′ are bounded forms. Assume that W ∪W ′ is (p + p ′ )-concave in the sense that<br />

there is a positive closed smooth form of bidegree (k − p − p ′ + 1,k − p − p ′ + 1)<br />

with compact support in W ∪W ′ . Then S and S ′ are wedgeable.<br />

The following result can be deduced from Theorem A.48.<br />

Corollary A.50. Let Si be positive closed (1,1)-currents on P k with 1 ≤ i ≤ p.<br />

Assume that for 1 ≤ i ≤ p − 1, Si admits a quasi-potential which is integrable with

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