Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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126 Marco Brunella<br />

Take a vanishing end E ⊂ L 0 t ,oforderk, let f : D n−1 × Ar → X 0 be an almost<br />

embedding adapted to E, andletg : W ��� X be a meromorphic family of discs<br />

extending f , immersive outside F = Indet(g). Take also a parabolic end �E ⊂ � L0 t<br />

projecting to E, with degree k. By an easy holonomic argument, the immersion<br />

g| W\F : W \ F → X 0 can be lifted to V 0 T , as a proper embedding<br />

�g : W \ F → V 0 T<br />

which sends the central fiber W0 \ F0 to �E. Each fiber Wz \ Fz is sent by �g to a closed<br />

subset of a fiber � L 0 t(z) , and each point of Fz corresponds to a parabolic end of � L 0 t(z)<br />

projecting to a vanishing end of L 0 t(z) .<br />

Now we can glue W to V 0 T using �g: this corresponds to compactify all parabolic<br />

ends of fibers of V 0 T which project to vanishing ends and which are close to �E. By<br />

doing this operation for every E and �E, we finally construct our manifold VT ,fibered<br />

over T with fibers �Lt.ThemapπTextending (meromorphically) π0 T is then deduced<br />

from the maps g above. ⊓⊔<br />

The manifoldVT will be called holonomy tube over T . The meromorphic immersion<br />

πT is, of course, very complicated: it contains all the dynamics of the foliation,<br />

so that it is, generally speaking, very far from being, say, finite-to-one. Note, however,<br />

that most fibers do not cut the indeterminacy set of πT ,sothatπT sends that<br />

fibers to leaves of F 0 ; moreover, most leaves have trivial holonomy (it is a general<br />

fact [CLN] that leaves with non trivial holonomy cut any transversal along a thin<br />

subset), and so on most fibers πT is even an isomorphism between the fiber and the<br />

corresponding leaf of F 0 . But be careful: a leaf may cut a transversal T infinitely<br />

many times, and so VT will contain infinitely many fibers sent by πT to the same<br />

leaf, as holonomy coverings (possibly trivial) with different basepoints.<br />

4.3 Covering Tubes<br />

The following proposition is similar, in spirit, to Proposition 4.5, but,asweshall<br />

see, its proof is much more delicate. Here the Kähler assumption becomes really<br />

indispensable, via the unparametrized Hartogs extension lemma. Without the Kähler<br />

hypothesis it is easy to find counterexamples (say, for foliations on Hopf surfaces).<br />

Proposition 4.6. There exists a complex manifold UT of dimension n, a holomorphic<br />

submersion<br />

PT : UT → T,<br />

a holomorphic section<br />

and a surjective holomorphic immersion<br />

pT : T → UT ,<br />

FT : UT → VT

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