Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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Uniformisation of Foliations by Curves 107<br />

[Dem]. When X is projective the above theorem follows also from results of [BMQ]<br />

and [BDP], but with a totally different proof, untranslatable in our Kähler context.<br />

Let us now describe in more detail the content of these notes.<br />

In Section 2 we shall recall the results by Nishino and Yamaguchi on Stein fibrations<br />

that we shall use later, and also some of Il’yashenko’s results. In Section<br />

3 and 4 we construct the leafwise universal covering of (X,F ): we give an appropriate<br />

definition of leaf Lp of F through a point p ∈ X \ Sing(F ) (this requires<br />

some care, because some leaves are allowed to pass through some singular points),<br />

and we show that the universal coverings �Lp can be glued together to get a complex<br />

manifold. In Section 5 we prove that the complex manifold so constructed enjoys<br />

some “holomorphic convexity” property. This is used in Section 6 and 8, together<br />

with Nishino and Yamaguchi results, to prove (among other things) Theorem 1.1<br />

above. The parabolic case requires also an extension theorem for certain meromorphic<br />

maps into compact Kähler manifolds, which is proved in Section 7.<br />

All this work has been developed in our previous papers [Br2,Br3,Br4,Br5] (with<br />

few imprecisions which will be corrected here). Further results and application can<br />

be found in [Br6]and[Br7].<br />

2 Some Results on Stein Fibrations<br />

2.1 Hyperbolic Fibrations<br />

In a series of papers, Nishino [Nis] and then Yamaguchi [Ya1, Ya2, Ya3] studied<br />

the following situation. It is given a Stein manifold U,ofdimensionn +1, equipped<br />

with a holomorphic submersion P : U → D n with connected fibers. Each fiber P −1 (z)<br />

is thus a smooth connected curve, and as such it has several potential theoretic invariants<br />

(Green functions, Bergman Kernels, harmonic moduli...). One is interested<br />

in knowing how these invariants vary with z, and then in using this knowledge to<br />

obtain some information on the structure of U.<br />

For our purposes, the last step in this program has been carried out by Kizuka<br />

[Kiz], in the following form.<br />

Theorem 2.1. [Ya1, Ya3, Kiz] If U is Stein, then the fiberwise Poincaré metricon<br />

U P → D n has a plurisubharmonic variation.<br />

This means the following. On each fiber P −1 (z), z ∈ D n , we put its Poincaré<br />

metric, i.e. the (unique) complete hermitian metric of curvature −1 ifP −1 (z) is<br />

uniformised by D, or the identically zero “metric” if P −1 (z) is uniformised by C<br />

(U being Stein, there are no other possibilities). If v is a holomorphic nonvanishing<br />

vector field, defined in some open subset V ⊂ U and tangent to the fibers of P, then<br />

we can take the function on V<br />

F = log�v�Poin

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