2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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137 Arts and Sciences: Communication and Performing ArtsTHE 016. Theatre Participation. 1.A student participating in <strong>Barton</strong> Theatre productions is expected to spend a great deal of time inthe rehearsal and production phases of a given show. This course is designed to give appropriatecredit for those valuable laboratory experiences. Grades are based upon time spent working on theproduction, as well as the quality of the work produced. The reliability of the student and his or herability to work well with other students will factor into grading as well. Fall, Spring.Note: Course may be taken for credit no more than six times.THE 110. Beginning Acting. 3.This course will introduce the fundamentals of acting with regard to vocal and physicalcommunication, text analysis, spacial awareness, and acting theory. Along with readings andexercises from our text, students will be expected to memorize simple monologues and scenes forpresentation within the class. This course is appropriate for inexperienced actors as well as thosewith experience but little formal training. Spring, alternate years.THE 201. Introduction to the Theatre. 3.This course is designed to stimulate the students’ appreciation and understanding of a live theatreevent, while establishing its social, cultural, and historical context. Through readings, theatreexperiences, discussions, oral presentations, and research, the student will become a more educatedaudience member, and possibly an active theatre practitioner. This course is appropriate for nonmajors.Fall.THE 214. World Drama. 3.This course will examine the dramatic literature and performance styles of diverse world culturesas well as the social, political, historical, and artistic forces that helped shape them. Criticalunderstanding of a nation and its people begins with a study of context; we will use theatre as anentry point to break down barriers and gain insight into worldwide movements. Alternate years.THE 220. Stagecraft. 3.This course is an introduction to theatre production through the study and use of basic designelements including sets, lights, props, sound, costumes, and makeup. Students will be involvedin design, construction, and execution of <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> theatrical productions. Lecture,demonstration, and hands-on experience are employed, as well as the manipulation of hand tools,power tools, and paint, so students are expected to dress accordingly. A student should never usetools without a clear understanding of appropriate safety procedures. Additional hours may berequired during a theatre production period. Spring, alternate years.

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