2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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142 Arts and Sciences: English and Modern Languages• A student who tests out of SPA 202 must successfully complete a 300-400 level course in thelanguage in order to receive six hours of advanced placement credit. A student who has takenthe placement test, and placed ahead, must complete the pending course work for the awardingof placement credit within three years of the date of the administration of the placement test.Courses of Instruction: EnglishWriting Proficiency Requirements:Note1: ENG 100 – To fulfill the Writing Proficiency requirement, the student who successfully completesENG 100 must continue into and successfully complete ENG 101 and 102. This course is for institutionalcredit only; credit hours do not apply toward graduation.Note 2: ENG 101 – ENG 101 is a prerequisite for ENG 102. Both courses are ordinarily needed tosatisfy the Writing Proficiency requirement. A student may be given exemption through departmental or approvedstandardized testing.Note 3: ENG 102 – A student who is placed into ENG 102 and passes ENG 102 with a “C-” or betterwill receive three semester hours of credit for ENG 101.Note 4: Minimum Passing Grade Requirement – A student must pass ENG 101, 102, and 103with a “C-” or better.Note 5: Continuous Enrollment Policy – A student may not drop or withdraw from ENG 101, 102,and 103.ENG 100. Fundamentals of Writing. 3.A course designed to prepare the student for college level composition skills by focusing on sentencestructure and short essays. Fall.ENG 101. Composition I. 3.A course that emphasizes writing and also focuses on usage, diction, grammar, sentence structure,effective organization of essays, and development of reading skills. Fall, Spring.ENG 102. Composition II. 3.A writing course that emphasizes logic, advanced reading skills, research skills, and the writing ofargumentative essays. Fall, Spring.Prerequisite: ENG 101 or placement.Note: Counts toward the General <strong>College</strong> Core requirements in Writing Proficiency.

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