2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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192 Arts and Sciences: Science, Mathematics, and Psychology• Science course: SCI 490.• Physics courses: PHY 130 (4), 132 (4).• Mathematics course: MTH 170 (4).• Research or internship experience. The specifics of the internship or research experience areto be submitted to, and approved by, the Department of Science and Mathematics prior tostarting the internship or research. The internship or research must be clearly connectedwith chemistry.Total: 48 semester hours.Chemistry Major (B.S.) Requirements:• Chemistry courses: CHE 151 (4), 152 (4), 300/301 (3/1), 311 (4), 312 (4), 327/329 (3/1),400/401 (3/2), 421, 450/451 (3/2).• Biology course: BIO 101 (4).• Science course: SCI 490.• Physics courses: PHY 130 (4), 132 (4).• Mathematics course: MTH 270 (4).• Research or internship experience. The specifics of the internship or research experience areto be submitted to, and approved by, the Department of Science and Mathematics prior tostarting the internship or research. The internship or research must be clearly connectedwith chemistry.Total: 56 semester hours.Chemistry Minor Requirements:• Chemistry courses: CHE 151 (4), 152 (4), 300/301 (3/1), and 311 (4).Total: 16 semester hours.Note: Please see page 66 regarding “a minor in a field closely related to the academic major.”All science majors are required to complete an internship/research project prior to graduation.In preparation for this experience, students will work with faculty advisors to develop resumesand to identify potential internship placements. Upon project completion, students will enrollin SCI 490, Writing in the Sciences for three semester hours credit.Mathematics Major (B.A.) Requirements:• Mathematics courses: MTH 170 (4), 250, 260, 270 (4), 320, 340, 370 (4), 420.• Mathematics electives: three hours from courses numbered 220 or above.• Modern language: six hours at the intermediate level (201 and 202).Total: 36 semester hours.

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