2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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210 Arts and Sciences: Science, Mathematics, and PsychologyPSY 355. Motivation and Emotion. 3.Understanding motivation is fundamental to understanding human behavior including emotion,which is in turn largely a function of a person’s motivational situation. The purpose of this courseis to help you learn ways of thinking usefully and critically (i.e., carefully) about human behavior,through understanding motivation and emotion – something useful not only in psychology andhuman service professions, but in many areas of human life. Spring, even years.PSY 365. Health Psychology. 3.This course examines the uses of psychology in medicine and other aspects of health care. Topicsinclude biofeedback and self-control, the placebo effect, the role of personality factors and stressin the etiology and prevention of disease, coping with disease and pain, psychoneuroimmunology,and the doctor-patient relationship. Fall, even years.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 380. Social Psychology. 3.A study of how human behaviors are affected by different social settings. Topics include altruisticbehavior, the relationship between attitudes and behavior, attraction, persuasion, eyewitnesstestimony, aggression, prejudice, and group decision making. Emphasis placed on methods usedby social psychologists. Spring.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 425. Learning and Motivation. 3.This course is designed to provide an introduction to the primary empirical research areas inlearning and motivation: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, verbal learning, drive theory,and the role of motives. Emphasis is on the research on conditioning and its motivational processesas the foundations for techniques in behavior modification. The course examines both the uses andlimitations of current information on learning and motivation. Spring, odd years.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 435. History and Systems of Psychology. 3.The history of psychology and how it has progressed from its ancient roots as a branch ofphilosophy to psychology as a separate scientific discipline. Topics include the founders ofpsychology and their contributions to the development of the discipline of psychology, the historyof the mind-body problem, and the basis of human knowledge. Spring, even years.Prerequisite: PSY 101.Note: Recommended for the upper-level psychology major only.

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