2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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152 Arts and Sciences: History and Social SciencesCJC 240. Introduction to Forensic Science. 3.Introduction to the concepts and methods of forensic science. The relationship between criminalinvestigation and the forensic sciences is discussed. Focus on laboratory methods. Visits to crimelaboratories included.CJC 310. Criminal Law. 3.An overview of American criminal law with emphasis on definitions, crime data, and case law.Various criminal defenses are outlined and discussed in detail. The American court system, thecourtroom workgroup, the criminal trial and sentencing practices are reviewed. Fall.Prerequisite: CJC 101 (or CJC 230).CJC 320. Police and Society. 3.An overview of the history and development of policing in America society, police organization,police management, and legal aspects of policing. Various styles of policing are introduced andcommunity policing is discussed. Fall.Prerequisite: CJC 101 (or CJC 230).CJC 323. Juvenile Delinquency. 3.An introduction to the problem of juvenile delinquency in American society. Causes of delinquencyand societal responses are outlines and discussed. Delinquency in the contexts of family, school, andgroup interaction are discussed. The juvenile justice system is a focus of study and the class attendsa session of juvenile court. Spring.CJC 330. Criminology. 3.A study of the various theories of crime causation ad control, identification of criminal typologies,and the reaction of society to crime and criminals. Special attention given to controversial issues incriminology with discussion of the different views and theories. Spring.Prerequisite: CJC 101.CJC 340. Prevention of Crime and Delinquency. 3.A survey of the theories, factors, structures, and processes that effect crime and delinquency andreview of policies, programs, social institutions, and measures employed to reduce the level ofcriminal victimization in American society. The course will place emphasis on contributions fromthe research literature on approaches that have proven effective and/or hold promise for preventingcrime and delinquency. Spring.Prerequisite: CJC 101 (or CJC 230).Note: CJC 330 is highly recommended.

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