2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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174 Arts and Sciences: Physical Education, Sport Studies, and Gerontologyused in medical recports and varying forms of communication. A body systems approach will beutilized and common abbreviations applicable to each system will be interpreted.Prerequisite: BIO 101.ATR 313. Applications of Pharmacology in ATR. 1.Course includes the concepts and content related to pharmacology from the athletic trainingeducational competencies, specifically associated with athletes and the athletic population. Topicsinclude: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, terminology related to pharmacology, legal aspectsof medication management, as well as, therapeutic actions and clinical applications of various drugclasses in reference to indications, contraindications, adverse reactions, absorption, distribution,metabolism, and elimination of common medications and other drugs.Prerequisite: ATR 420/421.ATR 320. Evaluation of the Lower Extremity and Spine. 3.This course involves the study of the theory and techniques of evaluation of injuries to thethoracic and lumbar spine and lower extremities. Emphasis is on orthopedic assessment, includingneurological evaluations, manual muscle testing, special tests and postural evaluations of thephysically active. Fall.Prerequisites: Admission into the Athletic Training Education Program; ATR 220/221,365/366; BIO 311/313, 312/314.Corequisite: ATR 321.ATR 321. Evaluation of the Lower Extremityand Spine Lab. 1.This course is designed to enable student to put the theories and concepts learned in ATR 320into practice. Emphasis is on the application of the skills and proficiencies of orthopedicassessment, including neurological evaluations, manual muscle testing, special tests and posturalevaluations of the physically active. This is a skills based course that incorporates clinicalexperiences in the athletic training setting as assigned by the Approved Clinical Instructor orprogram director. Requires completion of clinical proficiencies and clinical rotations. Fall.Corequisite: ATR 320.ATR 340. Evaluation of the Upper Extremityand Special Topics. 3.This course involves the study of the theory and techniques of evaluation of injuries to the head,cervical spine, and upper extremities. Emphasis is placed on orthopedic assessment, includingneurological evaluations, manual muscle testing, biomechanics and special tests of the upperextremity. Internal injuries, dermatology and general medical topics are also included. Spring.Prerequisites: Admission into the Athletic Training Education Program; ATR 220/221,320/321; BIO 311/313, 312/314.Corequisite: ATR 341.

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