2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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209 Arts and Sciences: Science, Mathematics, and PsychologyEmphasis is placed on the development of an independent research proposal written in APA styleand IRB submission protocols. Fall.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 271. Statistics for the Social Sciences. 4.This course introduces the student to a comprehensive study of statistics and statistical analyses.The course focuses on data collection and analysis. In addition, the student will discuss theinferences that may be made from collected data, develop appropriate questions for furtherinquiries, and consider the design of studies to respond to these inquiries. Spring.Prerequisite: PSY 270; MTH 120/130.Note: 2-hour laboratory required in addition to the regular three hours of lecture per week.PSY 315. Abnormal Psychology. 3.An overview of past and current views on the factors that contribute to the presence of abnormalbehavior. Introduces the following: biological, cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural factors thatinfluence behavior; patterns of behavior associated with different psychological disorders; currentmultiaxial systems of clinical diagnosis; research and methodological concerns associated withdifferent approaches to treatment. Fall, even years.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 340. Introduction to Personality. 3.Examines the major theories of personality, including the psychodynamic, humanistic, trait, andcognitive-behavioral approaches. Includes the significant research and methodological concernsassociated with each personality theory and how the theories and research on personality areapplied to understanding human behavior. Fall, odd years.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 345. Cognitive Psychology. 3.This course will address concepts, theories, research, and applications of cognitive psychology.Content areas of this course include the history of cognitive psychology, current issues in cognitivepsychology, and the relationship between cognitive psychology and such fields as artificialintelligence and neuroscience. Furthermore, the course material will focus on perceptual processes,the study of memory, acquisition and use of language, reading, problem solving, creativity,reasoning, decision making, and cognitive development. Fall, even years.Prerequisite: PSY 101.PSY 350. Psychological Assessment. 3.Introduction to psychological and educational testing and assessment. Topics include thefoundations of psychological measurement, test design and construction, test standardization andadministration, applications of testing in various settings, criticisms and issues in testing. Emphasisplaced on testing reliability, validity, and item analysis. Fall, even years.Prerequisites: PSY 101, PSY 271.

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