2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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66 Student Lifehousing does not necessarily ensure a housing assignment. Any student who has not physicallyoccupied the assigned room or otherwise made arrangements through the Director of Housing bythe start of classes will have the assignment canceled and the room will then be made available toother applicants.Room AssignmentsThe Director of Housing coordinates room assignments. The student has the opportunity torequest a specific roommate and residence hall and also indicate other preferences. Each requestis considered; however, the final decision is based on overall <strong>College</strong> policy and general studentwelfare. Each resident is assigned a roommate unless approval for a private room is granted (see“Private Rooms” below). Under no circumstance shall a student change rooms without approvalof the Office of Residence Life. A room assignment for the fall semester may be changed onan availability basis and with written notification from the student until two weeks prior to thebeginning of classes. After this time, each placement is frozen and remains so until the end ofsession. Special arrangements may be made as necessary for the student with a physical challenge.Private RoomsAny student wishing to reside in a private room must submit a “Private Room Application Form,”available from the Office of Residence Life. In the event that a student is left with a “forcedprivate room” (i.e., roommate failed to arrive at school), the student has the option to be assignedto another room with a roommate, or to remain in the room (without a roommate) for a proratedprivate room fee. A new roommate may be assigned at any time during this period. The studentmay have the option to retain the single room for the spring semester. If the student so chooses,then he/she is charged the private rate.The Housing ContractThe payment of room fees does not constitute a lessee-lessor contract. While the student is aresident in the residence hall, the occupancy of a residence hall is a use of a <strong>College</strong> facility. Thisusage does not give the same latitude as does a lessee-lessor rental contract. The <strong>College</strong> is notresponsible for loss or theft from residence hall rooms. The <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to denyhousing to any student whose conduct, in its judgment, is inconsistent with the aims and purposesof the institution, and whose continuation as a resident student is deemed detrimental. Any residentstudent who demonstrates by deed or action an inability or unwillingness to abide by the rules andregulations established for the welfare of all residents may be required to relinquish the privilegeof occupancy. In such a case, there is no refund of room fees.Student ConductAcademic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the developmentof the student, and the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression areindispensable to the attainment of these goals. The <strong>College</strong> recognizes the right of a student toformulate a personal philosophy and to respond to important issues as a matter of paramount

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