2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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164 Arts and Sciences: Physical Education, Sport Studies, and Gerontology• Have and maintain a 2.50 GPA after the first semester of sophomore year. Failure to do sowill result in student being placed on probation for the subsequent semester or dismissalfrom the ATEP.• Students having 2 concurrent semesters of probation (i.e. due to academic status and/orpersonal conduct, legal, or Honor Code violation issues), may result in student being dismissedfrom the ATEP.• Students must have a C or better in all major classes, unless otherwise indicated.• A minimum of “C” grade in each major course; a student may repeat a course only once inorder to obtain the minimum of a “C” grade. If the student receives a grade of less than a2.00/C, and the student has been accepted into the ATEP, they will be academically dismissedfrom the ATEP.• Athletic Training Students (ATSs) must gain clinical education experiences that address thecontinuum of care that will prepare a student to function in a variety of settings with patienceengaged in the range of activities with conditions described in athletic training knowledge,skills and clinical abilities, role delineation steps and standards of practice delineated for acertified athletic trainer in the profession.• Expected to complete clinical rotation schedule/hours as delineated by the ATEP. The results ofstudents’ Clinical Rotation Evaluations, completed by the assigned ACI, are a major componentof students’ fieldwork course grades. Low evaluation scores will have a negative impact on coursegrade and may provide incidence for an ATEP student being given an Academic Warning and/or being placed on probation. Please refer to the review complete policies and procedures withinthe <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> Athletic Training Student Handbook/ATEP Policy and Procedures Manual.Exit CriteriaGraduation requirements are consistent with the <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> standards for graduation withthe following exceptions:• Completion of all didactic and clinical course work according to program requirements.Students must have a C or better in all major classes and an overall GPA of 2.50.• A minimum of a “C” grade in each major course; a student may repeat a course only oncein order to obtain a minimum of a “C” grade. If the student receives a grade of less than a2.00/C, and the student has been accepted into the ATEP, they will be academicallydismissed from the ATEP.• Mastery of all clinical skills.Note 1: A minimum overall GPA of 2.50 is one component that is necessary for students to successfullycomplete the ATEP. The <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> Athletic Training Program is accredited by the Commission onAccreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). Students successfully completing this program areeligible to register for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination. If a student does not have a GPA of 2.50upon the date of graduation, they cannot be endorsed to sit for the BOC.Note 2: Transfer Credit Information is located on page 89.Note 3: Complete admission criteria is located in the Athletic Training Handbook/ATEP Policy andProcedure manual.

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