2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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199 Arts and Sciences: Science, Mathematics, and PsychologyBIO 317. Cell Biology Laboratory. 1.This course will focus on techniques used in the analysis of cells. Microscope skills, critical analysis,and experimental design will be emphasized. Spring.Corequisite: BIO 315.BIO 318. Environmental Biology. 3.An examination of the role of environmental factors in the morphological and physiologicalspecializations of living organisms. Emphasis on the biotic responses to specific environmentalconditions. Fall, every other year. *Prerequisite: BIO 102.Corequisite: BIO 320.BIO 319. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. 3.A study of the evolutionary development of vertebrates based on a comparative study ofhomologous anatomical features.Prerequisite: BIO 102.Corequisite: BIO 321.BIO 320. Environmental Biology Laboratory. 1.Laboratory studies of specific anatomical and physiological characteristics of plants and animalsas a reinforcement of the concept of the environment as a selective force in organic evolution. Fall,every other year.Corequisite: BIO 318.Note: Three laboratory hours per week.BIO 321. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory. 1.Laboratory studies that concentrate on Branchiostoma, Squalus, Necturus, and the rabbit or cat.Corequisite: BIO 319.Note: Three laboratory hours per week.BIO 341. Introductory Ecology. 4.An introduction to ecological principles and concepts with emphasis on study of eastern NorthCarolina ecosystems. This is a writing intensive course for biology majors. This course includesa laboratory component. Fall.Prerequisite: BIO 102.BIO 402. Methods of Environmental Analysis and Assessment. 3.A survey of the theory and practice of sampling and measurement of the physical, chemical, andbiological components of environments. Emphasis placed on the theoretical and technical aspectsof evaluating environmental factors. Spring, odd years.Prerequisites: BIO 102, 206, 341; CHE 300/301; MTH 250.Corequisite: BIO 403.

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