2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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248 EducationEDU 430. Teaching Languageto the Deaf and Hard of Hearing B-12. 3.A study of the principles and techniques of teaching language to the deaf and hard of hearingchild. The course includes a survey of current practices in language instruction for deaf andhard of hearing children. Diagnosis and remediation of individual language problems are alsostressed. Fall.Prerequisite: Stage II.EDU 437. Teaching Oral-Aural Communication Skillsto Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children B-12. 3.A study of methods of teaching the deaf and hard of hearing child to communicate throughthe integration of spoken language, the use of residual hearing, and speechreading. The use ofcochlear implants and speech methods are included in this course. Fall.Prerequisite: Stage I.EDU 438. Science in the Elementary and Middle School K-8. 3.Content and methods for teaching science knowledge and concepts beginning with the everydayenvironment of the child and leading to an understanding of the basic ideas around which the fieldof science is structured. Fall.Prerequisite: Stage II.EDU 448. Middle and Secondary School Methods. 3.This course is a competency-based approach to teaching methodology appropriate for the middleand secondary school.Prerequisite: Stage II.EDU 449. Secondary Mathematics and Science Methods. 2.This course is designed to ensure that students understand and are able to apply scientific skillsand mathematical concepts to teaching, using appropriate equipment and tools.Prerequisite: Stage II.EDU 450. Education Capstone. 2.This course supports seniors in synthesizing knowledge accrued from their liberal arts studies,content areas, and professional courses with their field-based clinical experiences and also guidesseniors in garnering a better understanding of the educational profession and the role they will playin it. This course also provides support for students as they compete the electronic portfolio requiredin the teacher education program.Prerequisite: Stage III.

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