2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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178 Arts and Sciences: Physical Education, Sport Studies, and GerontologyCourses of Instruction: HealthHEA 201. First Aid / CPR / AED. 1.Course covering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, taught according to American RedCross guidelines.HEA 203. First Aid / CPR / AED Instructor. 1.The purpose of this course is to train instructor candidates to teach the American Red Cross basiclevelFirst Aid, CPR, and AED courses.HEA 230. Health and Wellness in Modern Society. 3.Today’s society appears to have a genuine concern for living a healthful lifestyle and those issuesand practices which will promote this form of healthy living. This course will help students tounderstand the issues for promoting healthy living and aid in clarifying values related to healthfulpractices and topics.HEA 302. Fitness Concepts for K-12 Programs. 2.Inactivity is a primary factor in the explosion of individuals who are either overweight or obese.This course will focus on the fitness concepts and activities teachers use in K-12 schools that addresspoor fitness levels, fitness testing methods, and data collection. HPE majors will undergo a completefitness test and analyze the results using the standards for adult individuals. Majors will developpersonal fitness goals and a plan to achieve or maintain appropriate levels of fitness. An emphasisis placed on planning appropriate learning tasks, developing individual fitness goals and plans, andorganizing school-wide events to improve fitness levels of K-12th grade students.HEA 340. Health and Safety for Secondary Schools. 1.Current issues in health and safety, the secondary school health curriculum, effective teaching aidsand techniques explored. Fall.Prerequisite: Pre-Entry Stage I.HEA 400. Teaching Healthful Living Concepts. 4.This course focuses on effective instruction of current healthful living content in a meaningful andrelevant manner to secondary students. A 35-hour supervised Teaching Lab provides opportunityto work with middle and high school students in a classroom setting.HEA 401. Contemporary Issues in Health and Medicine. 3.This course will introduce students to current issues and controversies in medicine and health.The course will take a biopsychosocial approach of relating to health and medicine in which thebiological, psychological, and social aspects of health and medicine are studied in contrast tothe strictly biomedical aspects of disease. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge from abiopsychosocial perspective in such areas as preventive medicine, chronic disease, stress, and aging.Additionally, contemporary, and at times controversial, health issues such as health insurance,

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