2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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87 Academic Regulations• Any student withdrawing from a course after the published last day to withdraw, which isduring the last one-third of the term, will automatically receive a grade of “WF,” irrespectiveof the grade being earned at the time of withdrawal.• A student failing a course or withdrawing after the last published day to withdraw may submita formal written petition to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to have a “W”grade issued due to documented medical and/or other extenuating circumstances.Withdrawal from the <strong>College</strong>• A student who officially withdraws from <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> after the last day to drop, but beforethe last day to withdraw from a course, receives grades of “WP” for the courses in which thestudent was earning a passing grade, or “WF” for courses in which the student was earning afailing grade, in all courses taken that semester or term.• The last day to withdraw from <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> with a grade of “WP” or “WF” in all courses isat the end of approximately two-thirds of the semester or term. Specific dates are published inthe <strong>College</strong> calendar.• A student who officially withdraws from <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> after the last day to withdraw from acourse receives a grade of “WF” in all courses, irrespective of the grade being earned at thetime of withdrawal.• Any student wishing a medical withdrawal from the <strong>College</strong> must submit appropriatecorroborating documentation from a physician or certified health care professional within30 days from the date of withdrawal.• A student failing one or more courses may submit a formal written petition to the Provostand Vice President for Academic Affairs to have “W” grades issued due to documented medicaland/or extenuating circumstances.• Official withdrawal is handled through the Office of Student Success.• The last day to begin the withdrawal process is the last day of class during the semester inwhich the withdrawal is to occur.• A student who officially withdraws from <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> will receive a refund of tuition andfees based on the Refund Schedule (page 17).Auditing CoursesThe following rules apply when a student wishes to audit a course:• A full-time student may audit classes without charge if the total number of semester hours forboth credit courses and for audit courses is 18 or fewer.• When the total number of semester hours, for both credit and audit courses, exceeds 18, thestudent is charged the “audit tuition” rate for each semester hour in excess of 18. Refer to“Other Tuition and Fees” in the “<strong>College</strong> Expenses” section of the catalog.

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