2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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69 Degree Requirements• Academic Major requirements. An academic major is a concentration of coursesdesigned to qualify the student for entry-level positions in the field or for beginning-levelgraduate study. Academic majors are listed under each academic school in the “Schoolsand Departments” section of the catalog. The student must complete a “Request for Major”form. It is necessary to file a new “Request for Major” form when the student changesacademic majors.• An Academic Minor may be selected. These are listed under each academic department inthe “Departmental Programs” section of the catalog. For an academic minor to be recognized,the student must declare a minor on the “Request for Major” form.Quality Enhancement Plan:Pathways to Achieve Writing Success• Graduation requirements shall include the successful* completion of six (6) writing intensivecourses. Specifically, four (4) writing intensive courses in the general education core to include:• ENG 101 (unless placed out of or transferred in).• ENG 102 or 103 (unless transferred in).• Any two (2) courses designated as writing intensive in the Global Awareness andExploration baskets (unless transferred in).• Two (2) writing intensive courses in the major identified as:• A Gateway (second semester sophomore or junior level) course.• A Summit (senior level) course.* Successful completion shall be defined as the achievement of at least C- in each of the six (6) writingintensive courses required for graduation.Any deviation from the published requirements must be approved by the Provost and Vice Presidentfor Academic Affairs.Baccalaureate Degree StandardsIn addition to the courses required for the baccalaureate degree, the student must meet thefollowing criteria:• Semester hours completed. A minimum of 126 semester hours of academic credit isnecessary for graduation.• Grade point average. The student must complete the requirements for graduation with agrade point average of at least 2.00. In addition, the requirements of the academic major mustbe completed with at least a 2.00. Some major programs require a grade point average higherthan a 2.00. A 2.00 grade point average is required for the completion of any minor program.The grade point average is computed on work taken at <strong>Barton</strong> <strong>College</strong> only. Graduationhonors are computed on all college work attempted.

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