2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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97 Academic RegulationsThe criteria for Academic Alert, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension listed in thecurrent catalog are in effect for any student currently enrolled at the <strong>College</strong>.Academic SuspensionBecause a student with persistent academic difficulties may benefit from taking time off, the <strong>College</strong>imposes a suspension of one regular semester when a student fails to meet the minimum cumulativegrade point average required for continuous enrollment. At the end of spring semester, any studentplaced on Academic Probation the previous semester must meet the minimum standards forcontinuous enrollment based on total hours attempted. Any student not meeting this standard isthen notified by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs that he or she is not eligibleto return to the <strong>College</strong> for the following fall semester. A student on Academic Suspension maynot enroll for collegiate course work at any college or university during the semester of suspensionwithout prior approval of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student whoenrolls in collegiate course work during a period of suspension without approval, may not transferany of the credit hours earned to the <strong>College</strong>. A student may remove the academic suspensionstatus by completing one or more of the following:• obtaining the required minimum cumulative grade point average in the summer session atthe <strong>College</strong>.• earning a minimum grade point average of 2.00 on a minimum of six hours in the summersession of the <strong>College</strong>.• returning to the <strong>College</strong> as a repeat student in the fall semester and agreeing to the followinglimitations: (a) the student must enroll in courses with the sole purpose of improving currentstanding: that is, enroll in only those courses for which the student has received a D or F,(b) the student must earn a C or better in all repeated courses, (c) the student must meetwith the Office of Student Success (full-time traditional students only) and the advisor atmid-semester to discuss the student’s academic progress. If a student does not achieve therequired grades as a repeat student in the fall, then the student may not enroll in the springsemester, but may re-enroll the following summer or fall.• not returning in the summer or fall, but re-enrolling the following spring semester.A student on Academic Suspension may re-enroll at the <strong>College</strong> after the period of suspension.If the student has met the conditions of suspension, then, the student is customarily readmitted.Any question regarding financial aid should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.

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