2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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241 EducationSpecial Education: General Curriculum(Kindergarten-Grade 12) Major (B.S) Requirements:Teacher licensure requirements for the Special Education: General Curriculum major:• Courses from the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Social Work prescribed specificallyfor this major: BIO 101 (4); a literature course or ENG 240; GEO 201 or 212; HIS 201[or 202]; MTH 210; POL 101; SWK 345.• Prior to the Professional Semester (spring of senior year):Field Experience courses; EDU 200 (1), 200 (1), 360 (1), 400 (1).Education courses: EDU 218, 223, 225, 316, 319 (2), 334, 344 (2), 354 (2), 361,414, 417 (2),418, 427, 438, 451 (2), 454, 464.• During the Professional Semester: EDU 450 (2), 470 (10) or EDU 473/474. For the AcceleratedProfessional Programs student seeking licensure, the following courses are substituted:EDU 460 (1)/461(1) and EDU 475 (5)/476 (5).• Complete the Professional Education Program criteria.Total for Special Education: General Curriculum major requirements:87 semester hours.Note 1: A grade below “C-” is not acceptable for licensure in major courses or in professionaleducation classes.Note 2: The student seeking licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum must meet the staterequirements for testing.Note 3: Although not required to do so, the student is encouraged to choose a second area of licensure.Teacher candidates interested in working in middle grades or secondary grades might consider also seekinglicensure in a content area in middle school education or in secondary education. The student wishing to belicensed in Special Education: General Curriculum in addition to another area of licensure should work closelywith the program advisor.Note 4: All prerequisite requirements must be met prior to enrolling in specific courses. Please checkindividual courses for prerequisites.Courses of Instruction: EducationASL 101. American Sign Language I. 3.American Sign Language and fingerspelling at the basic level, with special reference to educationalsettings. The development of receptive and expressive signing and fingerspelling skills isemphasized. Fall, Spring.Note: No previous experience with sign language required.ASL 102. American Sign Language II. 3.American Sign Language and fingerspelling skill building at the intermediate level, with specialreference to educational settings. The course emphasizes the development of vocabulary, fluency,clarity, accuracy, and receptive abilities. Spring.Prerequisite: ASL 101.

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