2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

2013 – 2014 - Barton College

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148 Arts and Sciences: English and Modern LanguagesSPA 404. Hispanic American Literature. 3.A survey course of Latin American literature from the pre-Columbian period through thecontemporary period. Spring. Alternate years.Prerequisite: SPA 202 or placement.SPA 411. Latin American Civilization. 3.A study of the cultures and civilizations of Latin America. Fall. Alternate years.Prerequisite: SPA 202 or placement.SPA 421. Advanced Spanish Composition and Conversation. 3.Study and practice of the language in oral and written expression. Fall. Alternate years.Prerequisite: SPA 202 or placement.SPA 457. Senior Portfolio. 1.In consultation with a faculty advisor, the student will assemble a portfolio of documents includingcourse papers, an additional paper, and evidence of volunteer and professional activities. Inaddition, the student will deliver an oral presentation on past coursework before a committee offaculty and will take a nationally standardized exit test on the target language.Prerequisite: Senior year status.Note 1: To be taken by the Spanish major during the senior year.Note 2: Pass/Fail grading.Note 3: The fee for the senior exit examination is paid by the student: Praxis II, specialty test in Spanish.SPA 459. Instructional Design and Strategies. 2.The course is a study of second language instruction methodologies, materials, course design,and effective teaching strategies specific to the second language classroom. Prepares secondlanguage teacher candidate for K-12 licensure. Fall.Prerequisite: Stage II.Corequisite: EDU 400.SPA 480. Special Studies in Spanish. 3.Directed individual research in Spanish and special study in areas not covered by catalogcourse listings.Prerequisite: SPA 202 or placement.Note: Also offered as SPA 481 for one semester hour, and as SPA 482 for two semester hours.

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