Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Deadlift (continued)



• You can make the deadlift even more effective by trying to “bend the bar,” which

activates your lats and helps support your lumbar spine. But if for any reason

you need to use a mixed grip, switch hand positions with each set. Pay special

attention to which one you use on your heaviest sets, making sure the maximum

stress doesn’t always fall on the same side.

• As with the squat, the weight should always be over the center of the foot, never

out in front of it. There should be a straight line from the shoulders to the barbell

to the middle of the foot.

• To get proper alignment of the neck and torso, maintain a neutral head position,

meaning your eyes face the same direction as your chest. Do not elevate or

lower your chin. At the same time, you want to keep your chest up, with tension

in the upper back muscles.

• Form will vary from person to person, with sometimes extreme differences in

knee and hip angles. But everyone should keep the lower back in its natural arch.

• Avoid hyperextending the back to complete the movement. It’s completely unnecessary

and puts the lumbar spine at risk.

• Even with ideal form, not every lifter should pull weights from the floor. If you

don’t yet have the hip mobility or core stability for a traditional deadlift, pull from

an elevated surface, such as short boxes or thick weights (see figure c).



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