Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Elevated One-Leg Calf Raise

Once you can perform plenty of one-leg calf raises from the floor, a great progression is

to perform them from an elevated surface such as a short box or step in your house.

This increases the stretch of the calf muscles, which provides a new stimulus for

muscle growth.



1. Place a short step on the floor against a wall. Stand on the edge of the step,

with your left heel hanging off, while holding your right leg off the step. Hold a

dumbbell on your right side, and start with your left calf in the deepest stretch

position. Rest your left fingertips lightly against the wall to maintain balance. Or

place the fingertips of both hands against the wall for the body weight version

(see figure a).

2. Push through the base of your left big toe to elevate your heel as high as possible

(see figure b). Focus on getting an intense calf contraction at the top of

the movement.

3. Slowly lower back to the starting position.

4. Perform all reps on the left leg, and then switch sides.




Elevation increases eccentric stress on the plantar flexors during the stretch.


• Holding a weight in your hand isn’t necessary in the early stages if your strength

isn’t up to par.

• To make this exercise more challenging, hold the stretch position or peak contraction,

or both, for 1 to 3 seconds for each repetition.

• A weighted vest works well to increase the load when a dumbbell or kettlebell

isn’t available.


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