Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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Sumo Deadlift

The sumo deadlift uses a much wider stance than a traditional deadlift. This makes it a

better option for taller lifters or those who feel more comfortable pulling a deadlift with

a more upright torso. The wide stance puts a greater emphasis on the hip adductors,

which is beneficial to many athletes.



1. Load the bar and roll it against your shins. Set your feet beyond shoulder-width

apart, toes angled out about 45 degrees, and grab the bar overhand, with your

arms just inside your legs. Push your hips back, push your chest out, and tighten

everything from your hands to your feet (see figure a).

2. Thrust your hips forward and pull the bar straight up the front of your legs until

your ankles, knees, and hips are fully extended (see figure b).

3. Pause, lower the bar to the floor along the same path relatively quickly, reset

your grip, and repeat.




• The wide stance and upright posture are generally more appropriate for lifters

with longer legs or shorter arms.

• The wider leg position shifts some of the work to the adductors.


Since the legs are wide, it’s common for people to let their knees buckle inward (i.e.,

knee valgus) as they lift the load. To counteract this, pull your knees outward during

this exercise.


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