Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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One-Arm Band Biceps Curl

For eons, professional bodybuilders have extolled the virtues of training their biceps one

arm at a time. It helps them improve the mind–muscle connection between the brain

and biceps, which in turn can lead to greater motor unit recruitment and growth. Using

a band provides a simple way to perform this exercise almost anywhere, plus it allows

people to focus on just one biceps, if it happens to be asymmetrical to the other arm.



1. Hold one end of a long resistance band in your left palm, and loop the other end

under your right foot. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with the band under

your left foot. Hold your left arm down at your side, palm facing forward (see

figure a). Place your right palm on your abdomen.

2. Bend your left elbow as far as possible, while holding it against your side, and

squeeze your biceps when your left arm is in front of your left shoulder (see

figure b).

3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for target reps.

4. Switch the band to your right hand with it looped around your left foot and repeat.




• Using a band increases the mind–muscle connection between the brain and


• It can be performed anywhere.


• The band tension should be sufficient to induce momentary muscular failure by

the last repetition.

• Avoid flaring the elbow or allowing it to move forward as the elbow flexes.


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