Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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FIGURE 1.11 Endurance strength assessment: push-up to exhaustion.

Goblet Squat

The goblet squat assesses endurance strength of the lower extremity, trunk, biceps,

and upper back. The goal is to complete 20 repetitions of the goblet squat with

a dumbbell that weighs 50 percent of your body weight.

Compared with a barbell back squat, the goblet version is easier and safer to

perform. Because you hold a dumbbell against your chest with both arms, it’s

easier to unload the movement instead of having a barbell across your upper back

that needs to be re-racked. Furthermore, this front-loaded movement allows you

to sit back more than a barbell back squat without losing your balance, which is

excellent for learning how to correctly execute a hip hinge.

To perform this assessment, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder

width and angled out slightly while holding a dumbbell in the goblet position (see

figure 1.12a). Hold your elbows against your sides, brace your midsection, and

then push your hips back and bend your knees until your elbows touch the top

of your thighs (see figure 1.12b). Reverse the motion, keeping your midsection

braced, until you reach the starting position. Repeat for a maximum number of


For some of you, it might be impossible to perform even one repetition holding

a dumbbell that is 50 percent of body weight. If that is the case, make a note

of the heaviest dumbbell you can use to complete 20 perfect repetitions. After

months of completing the resistance training programs in this book, your body

will get stronger, allowing you to use a heavier dumbbell. The goal is to boost your

strength to the point where you can perform 20 perfect repetitions of the goblet

squat with a dumbbell that is 50 percent of body weight (e.g., 100-pound [45 kg]

dumbbell for a 200-pound [90 kg] guy). A kettlebell works great for this exercise

if a dumbbell isn’t available.


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