Elite Physique The New Science of Building a Better Body

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One-Arm Overhead Push Press

This version of a one-arm overhead press uses leg drive, which provides two benefits.

First, it allows a heavier load to be used. Second, driving from the legs improves fullbody

strength since you work the legs and upper body simultaneously. This exercise

is a favorite among old-school strongman competitors.



1. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in your left hand at the side of your shoulder, palm

facing in and elbow tucked tightly to your side. Take a step forward with your right

foot to get in a split stance, with your toes forward and both knees bent slightly.

Extend your right arm to the side for balance (see figure a).

2. Bend your knees to lower your body four to six inches (10-15 cm) to prepare for

the leg drive (see figure b).

3. Push through the center of your feet to straighten both legs as you simultaneously

press the weight overhead until your elbow is locked straight (see figure c).

4. Lower under control and repeat for target reps.

5. Switch the weight to the right hand, put your left foot forward, and repeat.

a b c


• This exercise builds full-body strength due to simultaneous activation of the

upper and lower body.

• It allows for heavier loads than a standard one-arm overhead press.


Don’t turn this exercise into a split squat. You need to lower your body just a few inches

(10-15 cm) to get plenty of leg drive.


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